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Q: Would this be a chemical reaction.When you boil water in a kettlesome of it turns to steam?
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When water turns into steam is it a chemical change?

no, physical. The steam can return to water if cooled. Chemical changes are irreversible.

Is steam chemical energy?

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Is mixing popcorn steam a physical or chemical change?

it is a chemical change

If steam escapes from a teapot is that chemical reaction explain please?

yes and no, it depends on what you would consider a chemical reaction. most people define a chemical reaction as when two or more chemicals react together, steam escaping from a pot, however, is not two chemicals, it is just water evaporating and condensing in the air to make steam which is hotter than air so it rises out of the pot, so it isn't a chemical reaction, so much as a 'change of chemical state'.

Is steam turning into water chemical or physical?

Chemical changes are those in which the chemical composition of a substance changes during the process. But when steam turns into water or vice versa, only the physical state of the substance undergoes a change but the chemical composition remains same. Thus steam turning into water is a physical change.

Is steam from a kedal a physica l or chemical change?

Steam from a kettle is a physical change.

Why would the dissolution of table salt in water be considered gray area between chemical and physical change?

Because when the salt is dissolved, the chemical makeup of the crystal changes, making it a chemical change. However, you can evaporate the water, capture all the steam, cool the steam, and then you have the salt (original chemical makeup) and the water, making it a physical change.

Is water is heated and changed to steam a physical change or chemical change?


What kind of machine converts chemical energy to mechanical energy?

A steam engine would be one example, a motor car engine would be another.

Why liquid water changing into steam is a physical not a chemical change?

The steam when cooled changes back to liquid water. A chemical change is usually not so reversible.

Of a kettle boils and water turns to steam is it a chemical or physical reaction?

Its a chemical reaction :]

Is boiling water into steam is chemical change?
