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I, user J0shu493, personally would rather live by Rush Limbaugh's morals.

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Q: Would you rather live by Rush Limbaugh's morals or Barney Frank's?
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What motivated the people who hid with the Franks?

The same thing that motivated the Franks themselves: A desire to save their own lives. This struck me as a rather unnecessary question to ask.

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Ethical is an adjective that describes actions commited in the name of morals. Ethics are forever changing since it is philosophic rather than factul which means that as the morals of society change so does what is concidered "ethical."

What position does Barney Frank hold in the white house house?

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Why were the franks a successful barbaric group?

The Franks were successful because they were skilled warriors who adapted to Roman military tactics, had strong leadership, and formed alliances with other groups. They also effectively incorporated Roman political and administrative structures into their own society, allowing them to establish a powerful kingdom in the post-Roman era.

What made the franks different from the Germanic tribes that invaded Rome?

Some might quibble, but my understanding is that the Franks are/were a Germanic tribe. It is also my understanding, that they appeared later than the Germanic tribes the Romans first encountered in their conquest of northern/western Europe. Somewhere in the process they started speaking a Latin based language rather than a Germanic based tongue.

How were the franks governed before clovis became their rulers?

Before Clovis became their ruler, the Franks were governed by a system of chieftains and tribal leaders who held power at the local level. Authority was decentralized, and leadership was based on kinship ties and personal influence rather than a centralized government. This system allowed for a degree of autonomy among the various Frankish tribes.

How did the franks created feudalism?

The Franks did not create feudalism, rather it evolved from the social and political structures in place during the early Middle Ages across Europe. Feudalism emerged as a way to maintain order and stability in a decentralized society through the granting of land in exchange for loyalty and military service. The Frankish kingdom did contribute to the spread and consolidation of feudalism through its conquests and administrative systems.

Why was Charlemagne a successful ruler?

Charlemagne built the Kingdom of the Franks into the largest empire in the history of medieval Europe. He fostered education, built schools, and issued new, and rather wise, legal codes. He protected the Church and the popes, and he benefited his people.

What is a term that is sometimes used to mean Persians?

They were often referred to as Medes, an associated tribe which they absorbed. This is rather like the French (named after the Germanic Franks who conquered the country) often being called Gauls, the original and still dominant component of the population.