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MVI C,01h
MVI E,01h
MVI A,09h

jus change the value of A in the 3rd line according to whtever number u wish to square rrot..haffun!

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14y ago
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10y ago

Source Program:

LDA 4200H : Get the given data(Y) in A register

MOV B,A : Save the data in B register

MVI C,02H : Call the divisor(02H) in C register

CALL DIV : Call division subroutine to get initial value(X) in D-reg

REP: MOV E,D : Save the initial value in E-reg

MOV A,B : Get the dividend(Y) in A-reg

MOV C,D : Get the divisor(X) in C-reg

CALL DIV : Call division subroutine to get initial value(Y/X) in D-reg

MOV A, D : Move Y/X in A-reg

ADD E : Get the((Y/X) + X) in A-reg

MVI C, 02H : Get the divisor(02H) in C-reg

CALL DIV : Call division subroutine to get ((Y/X) + X)/2 in D-reg.This is XNEW

MOV A, E : Get Xin A-reg

CMP D : Compare X and XNEW

JNZ REP : If XNEW is not equal to X, then repeat

STA 4201H : Save the square root in memory

HLT : Terminate program execution

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12y ago

It is same as findig square root.Do the division once more.......

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Q: Compute the square root of n using 8085 microprocessors?
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