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void main()


int n,i=1,j,c;


printf("Enter Range To Print Prime Numbers")


printf("Prime Numbers Are Following;










printf("%d ",i)





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12y ago
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11y ago


void main()


int i, prime, lim_up, lim_low, n;


printf("\n\n\t ENTER THE LOWER LIMIT…: ");

scanf("%d", &lim_low);

printf("\n\n\t ENTER THE UPPER LIMIT…: ");

scanf("%d", &lim_up);

printf("\n\n\t PRIME NUMBERS ARE…: ");

for(n=lim_low+1; n<lim_up; n++)


prime = 1;

for(i=2; i<n; i++)

if(n%i == 0)


prime = 0;




printf("\n\n\t\t\t%d", n);




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9y ago


bool is_prime (const size_t num)


// The first two primes are 2 and 3

switch (num)


case (0): case (1): return false;

case (2): case (3): return true;


// All even numbers > 3 are non-prime.

if (num%2==0) return false;

// Initialise a maximum divisor (the square root of num).

size_t max = (size_t) std::sqrt ((double) num);

// Add 1 if even, 2 if odd (so that max is odd).

max += (max%2) ? 2 : 1;

// Test every divisor in the half-closed range [3:max)

for (size_t div=3; div!=max; div+=2)

// Is the number evenly divisible?

if (num%div==0)

// Yes, it is non-prime.

return false;

// The number is definitely prime.

return true;


int main()


using std::cout;

cout << "Prime numbers in closed range [0:100]:\n";

for (size_t num=0; num<=100; ++num)

if (is_prime (num))

cout << num << '\n';

cout << std::endl;


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13y ago



void main ()


int i,j,k;














printf("\n %d is prime",i);



getch ();


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14y ago




void main()


int i,j;












getch(); // this is the easiest method to print prime nos made by Taabi


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12y ago




int main(int argc, char **argv)


int iNum,iRem,iCount=2;

printf("enter the no");




printf("The no. is not prime");





printf("The no. is prime");








printf("the given no is not prime");






printf("the given no is prime");


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6y ago

bool is_prime (unsigned);

for (unsigned n=1; n<=50; ++n) if (is_prime (n)) std::cout << n << " is prime" << std::endl;

You will have to implement the is_prime() function yourself. The following is a reasonably efficient but simple implementation given the narrow range of values to be considered. A larger range will require a more efficient implementation.

bool is_prime (unsigned n) {

if (n<2) return false; // 0 and 1 are not prime

if !(n%2)) return n==2; // 2 is the only even prime

// test all odd divisors from 3 up to the square root of n

unsigned max {(unsigned) std::sqrt ((double) n))};

for (unsigned div=3; div<=max; div+=2) if (!(n%div)) return false;

// if we get this far, n is prime

return true;


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7y ago

// Returns true if n is prime, false if n is composite (non-prime). bool is_prime (unsigned n) {

if (n<2) return false; // 2 is the first prime

if (!(n%2)) return n==2; // 2 is the only even prime

unsigned max = (unsigned) sqrt ((double) n); // calculate max factor

for (unsigned f=3; f<=max; f+=2) if (!(n%f)) return false; // n is composite (it has a prime factor)

return true; // n is prime


// Returns the next prime greater than n.

unsigned next_prime (unsigned n) {

if (n<2) return 2; // 2 is the first (and only) even prime

if (n==2) return 3; // 3 is the first odd prime

if (!(n%2))++n; else n+=2; // increment n, ensuring n is odd

while (!is_prime(n)) n+=2; // check every odd value until n is prime

return n;


void print_primes (unsigned max) {

unsigned n=0;

printf ("List of primes up to %u\n", max);

while ((n=next_prime (n))<=max) printf ("%u\n", n);


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