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Q: You are 4cm dialated and 80 effaced how long before labor can start?
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Why am i having few contractions at 5cm dilated and 50 effaced?

The baby probably isn't ready yet. Where I went to the hospital if you were 5cm dialated they would keep you and induce labor. you can be zero dilated and be in labor. As soon as your muscles start contracting you are in labor and have pains.

Will labor start soon if you are 36 ks and 2 days and 3cm and 50 percent effaced?

Not necessarily

How many centimeters dialated to you have to be before you give birth?

You need to be at 10 centimeters dilation, and 100% effacement. (effacement is "softening " of the cervix, at 100%, it's thinned out to allow the baby's head to pass through). If you start pushing before you are completely effaced, the cervical "lip" will swell, and that will delay delivery

I am 3Cms dilated 90 percent effaced and baby is at 0 pelvic soon could labor start?

Any moment now.

Does 50 percent effaced mean you will go into labor soon?

It could. In a first time mom effacement is often the slowest part of labor and you are already half way there! Once labor starts you will start dilating and finish effacing. When you begin - your cervix may still be closed tight or it could be a "finger tip" meaning slightly less than 1 cm or you may start dilating before labor and walk around at 3 cm or more for a week or two. Once you are 10 cm and completely effaced you will start pushing and your baby will make his or her grand entrance. Congratulations!

I am 2 CM 75 effaced my Mucus Plug fell out the other morning when do you think Labor will start Hopefully u will not tell me when the baby is ready I am sooo uncomfortable. I also have Toxemia.?

i think that if the mucus plug comes out, you're labor should start in 24 to 48 hours.

Im 35 weeks and im 3 cm and 100 effaced when will labor start and should you take castor oil to start it?

You are still a couple weeks off of wanting to have ur baby. If i were you I would wait one more week...i know that sounds like alot but im 2cm dialated 60 percent effaced and 33 weeks and they put me in the hospital and on restricted bed doctor told me im not leaving till im 37 weeks....give ur baby the best chance...sides caster oil is a horrible thing to do...i tried it with my daughter and was sick for 3 days...never even gave me a contraction....nipple stimulation works wonders...

If you are 90 effaced 3 cm dilated and the baby is at a positive 1 station how long until active labor starts Is there a way to hold it off?

Could be hours to days to weeks. Everyone is different. You will probably start active labor within 24 hours. There is no stopping labor at this point.

Which season does Labor Day fall in?

Labor Day is the first Monday in September. It is typically used to mark the end of Summer and the start of Fall. Most jurisdictions do not allow school to start before Labor Day.

You are 35 weeks measuring 40 weeks your dr said to start self inducing to avoid a c-section Can casor oil help even if you wasn't dialated?

It's been a frequently relied on method for starting labor, but it usually only works if you're "ready".

When did China labor start in China?

when did china labor start

Is it a law that you can't start school before Labor Day?

There is no law governing the start dates of school. It is determined by local school districts.