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You shouldn't be scared to face to face with him. Just tell him how you feel. If he rejects you then move on. There's other guys out there for you. You should always have a back up. You just need to keep your head held high. And don't let him get you down. Go home play your fav song, invite some friends over have a slumber party and have fun. Just forget about him. But if he does want to be with you then that's cool. Just one thing don't fall to fast because that's what most guys want. They want you to fall in love with them and then they like to break your hearts. Don't give in to his charms to. Don't give it up. Trust me I'm 17 years old about to be 18 in August. But I was with him for awhile and I've known him since I was in the 7th grade. I'm the girl that falls in love to fast. But you can't always let him have his way. You need to get what you want sometimes to trust me sweetie. I've been in your shoes. Just never give up and there's always someone better along the way. Some who can love ya better.

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Q: You are a girl and you love a person. You want to let him know your feelings but you dont want to get rejected.which is the best way to let him know?
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It depends, do you have feelings for this person? If yes, then say yes darn it! If not....well fo you like being around them? If you dont have feelings for them and they're not really your favorite person, then maybe you should get to know them better before you start dating them:)

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yes just tell her(him) that you have feelings and you dont want it to be awkward and if they dont have real feelings for you then move on and dont let it be awkward.