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The body is like a furnace and needs energy so it must always be fed and also be fed the right things. If you stick to the plate model it works. If you want to loose weight you divide the plate in 50% veggies, 25% protein and 25% carbs. If you want to keep the weight you have you divide it equally, 33% each. If you exercise you should remember that muscles weigh more then fat so you can't just go by weight. The best way since you are bulimic is to see a dietitian to have a schedule made just for you so you get what you need and a visit to the doctor to find out what you are lacking.

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Q: You are bulimic how do you start eating normally without gaining weight?
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you are bulimic. you need help.

Should you become bulimic?

No, bulimia is a very dangerous and devastating eating disorder

What do you call someone can't stop eating excluding bulimic?

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How do you spell balliemic?

The correct spelling is bulimic (suffering from bulimia, an eating disorder).

What is bulimic?

bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder where a person binge eats, then purges.

My friend recently told me that she was bulimic and her parents know. what do i say to her when the subject comes up?

say she looked great before she became bulimic and she shouldn't stop eating.

Can a bulimic be a bone marrow donor?

Bulimia and anorexia are both considered eating disorders. And unless the bulimic/anorexic is extremely fragile, it may be possible for them to be a donor without real harm to themselves. But the best person to ask for advice on this is a doctor, presumably the doctor that is going to do the transfer of bone marrow.

How can you get help for an anorexic bulimic?

A therapist and doctor who specialize in eating disorders is the best way to get help for an anorexic or bulimic person. Your local telephone directory can help you to find treatment centers.

Do you gain weight fast eating normally after being bulimic?

If being bulimic made you underweight, you should have a stronger than usual appetite and will quickly revert to what your regular weight would have been. After any weight-diminishing sickness, appetite picks up and one can gain weight at up to four times one's normal rate of growth.

What is an example of primary consumer gaining energy?

A squirrel eating a nut is an example of a primary consumer gaining energy. A caterpillar eating a plant

If you go without eating for two days and then eat until you get sick is that binge eating?

No. That is you dropping a pound or two of water weight and then gaining back that and more due to the drop in your metabolism from not eating for two days.

Explian a bulimic's food and eating habits.?

First, the bulimic eats all the food they can/want. Then, to get rid of the calories, the bulimic then employs any methods necessary, like vomiting, laxatives, extreme exercise, fasting, etc. This cycle becomes almost impossible to stop eventually.