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Generally, most states allow you to hold a part time job and still collect unemployment, provided you report your earnings and accept a modified benefit. You should be able to resume eligibility on your original claim.

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First, you need to be eligible for unemployment based on the base period that they are using at the unemployment office. If you qualify based on this, then you will have to go through an adjudication process. If you quit, it is nearly impossible that you will be eligible for unemployment because you quit a job. However, during the adjudication process you and the employer will be able to state your case. You will have to prove that you quit for a really good reason and that you exhausted all possible resources prior to quitting. It is really hard to prove, it is your word against your employers and the burden of proof is on you since you quit.

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Q: Can part time workers get unemployment if they quit?
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Can you collect unemployment if you quit your part time job that you were collecting partial unemployment with for a full time job and then are fired?

There are too many variables in your question for a definitive answer. Your state, work history for the full time job, benefits remaining for the older part time job, qualifications for receiving benefits, etc.

Can you collect unemployment and work in the state of ill?

Yes. In the Related link below, page 5, "Are You Eligible for Benefits"; "Disqualifications"; 1) there are 9 reasons under which you can quit your job and still collect benefits.

What factors make it difficult to determine unemployment rates?

Part-time employment is one factor that makes it difficult to determine the unemployment rate. Another factor is discouraged workers, which describes people who can work, but have stopped looking for a job.

Can i file a unemployment claim if i only worked part-time?

You can file an unemployment claim if you only worked part-time only if you meet the job-searching requirements of your area.

Can you get unemploment if you quit your job?

No. You are eligible for unemployment if you are terminated by your employer. Unemployment benefits are to help support yourself until such time as you find new employment. If you quit your job you had better have a plan to support your self and find new employment.

Frictional unemployment?

it takes workers some time to move from one job to another

Can you collect unemployment after workers comp releases you?

This would depend on the length of your work time vs the period workers comp represents, as to your injury/sickness. Unemployment generally has a base period of 5 quarters that it derives its calculations on, so it's mainly time related.

I recently had to file for medical,they stated that i had to file for unemployment because i was considered part time where do i go from hear?

You can't get unemployment if you are working, even if it is part time.

Do you qualify for unemployment insurance if you quit your job instead of taking a mandatory demotion due to downsizing?

I believe any time you quit a job your not allowed unemployment, that's why it may be better to keep the job you have and look for another or work two jobs.

Can you qualify for unemployment insurance in Washington after workers comp?

Yes.Another answer:It would depend on several factors, mainly the time line involved. If your workers comp extended beyond the limits of unemployment qualifications, it might be questionable. Best advice is to check with the unemployment office for clarification.

Can you draw unemployment from a part time job?

Each state has its own criteria regarding length of time worked in the base period, total wages earned, reason for leaving the job, etc. rather than definition of full or part time work. Contact your state employment office to see if you are eligible.