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Assuming that your Dr. was correct you may be experiencing the psychosomatic symptoms of pregnancy, commonly referred to as "Hysterical Pregnancy". Please see your Dr and make sure that you are O.K.

When you have a miscarriage it can take up to 2 months until the pregnancy symptoms goes away due to the hormones have not settled yet. It's normal.

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Q: You got told you lost a baby last week and you were 5 wks pregnant is it possible to still go through the pregnancy symptoms?
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Could you have pregnancy symptoms but you when to the doctor and the test was negative?

loads of us go through pregnancy symptoms when we're not pregnant our mind it play tricks on us!!!!! just get over it really cause if it came up negative your not pregnant just forget about it because the more you think about it the more your body will believe your pregnant and that's why you go through pregnancy symptoms because it on your mind all time then your body thinks your pregnant

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It is possible to have a period all the way through pregnancy, but it may also mean you are not pregnant anymore. If you are worried, visit your doctor

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not possible, you either get your periods or you are pregnant (you don't get periods anymore through out pregnancy)

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Yes, it is possible to be pregnant with few symptoms. Here is some advice from FAQ Farmers: * It could be possible to be pregnant with few symptoms. Every woman is different, and not everyone's symptoms are alike. If your period doesn't start again, I would wait a week, and retest. If it comes out negative, see a doctor about what is going on with your period. It could be hormones. * It is 28 days from the day your period starts to the first day of your next period! But remember everyone is different! I am 15 weeks pregnant and I didn't have my symptoms until I was about 6 weeks. The only thing I experienced was tiredness and nausea ( I have only thrown up twice and they were both at

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If your period comes could you be pregnant?

Possible, but probably not. It is more than possible. So you should take a pregnancy test or visit your doctor. Some women have been known to vaginaly bleed through their whole pregnancy.

How do you know if you am experiencing early pregnancy symptoms?

The most simple way to detect early pregnancy symptoms is through the menstrual cycle. If a women misses her menstrual cycle then she may have early pregnancy symptoms.

What are the symptoms of pregnancy?

Pregnant women usually will first realize they are pregnant when they miss their period. Other symptoms include tenderness in the breasts and morning sickness.

How common is it to have pregnancy symptoms before a positive test result like mild back and tummy cramps?

Yes, it is possible to have pregnancy symptoms before a positive HOME test. Even through home pregnancy test are better now than years ago, they are not fool proof. The best way to get a true result is to go to the doctor.

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