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Probably not. The date on which services were rendered will usually be the determining factor. If you had already fulfilled your deductible for 2009, your insurance company may need to reconcile their books and may owe you a refund of some portion of your deductible.

However, if you had not otherwise met your deductible for 2009, it may still be possible for what you paid at the end of 2009 to be counted toward your 2010 deductible. Contact your health insurance company. In special circumstances like these, some health insurance companies will allow funds paid toward a deductible in the last quarter of one year to be applied towards the next year's deductible.

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Q: You had a medical procedure done in 2009 but you did not get the bill until 2010 and you paid it then does this go towards by 2010 insurance deductible?
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What does a deductible mean if you are in a car accident?

A deductible, or insurance deductible, is an amount of money the first of which the insurance company will not pay towards the cost of the loss suffered. For example, a $500 deductible means that the insurance company will not pay the first $500 of a loss. Deductibles are made for the purposes of keeping the costs of insurance down by making the insured pay a certain amount of money and not make a claim towards minor losses. If the accident is the other person's fault, either their insurance company will pay that deductible or you can sue them in court.

How do deductibles work for health insurance?

A deductible is the amount of your actual, billed health care costs that you must pay before the insurance will kick in. Your premium does not count towards your deductible. The higher your deductible, the more you have to pay before your insurance will start to cover your bills.

What is meant by the term deductible?

The term deductible, when discussing insurance issues, applies to the amount of money you must pay out of pocket before your insurance coverage will pay for a claim. For example, if you have a $500 deductible on your homeowner's insurance policy and you have $1,000 worth of hail damage, you must pay your $500 deductible towards the damage and your insurance policy will kick in to pay the remaining $500 for repairs.

Do co-pays count toward health plan deductibles?

It depends on the insurance policy. For most plans, copays do not count towards the deductible.

Does your copay go towards your medical bill or is it just an extra charge?

Its insurance paid by the insured person each time a medical service is accessed.

If secondary agreed upon insurance is lower than the primary insurance agreed upon price which one can the provider bill the paitent?

Primary has to process and pay claims first then secondary will process and pay leftover expenses according to their policy provisions. The secondary sometimes excludes payment towards a primary policy deductible.

What does eighty twenty coinsurance mean?

Eighty twenty coinsurance is usually expressed 80/20 by insurance companies. The first number (80) represents the percentage of payment an insurance company will pay for a service and the second number (20) is the percentage the person receiving the service is required to pay. Other popular coinsurance amounts are 70/30, 60/40, 50/50. It is important to note a couple of factors in determining when an insurance company will pay coinsurance. First, an insurance company will only pay 80% on what the insurance considers the "allowed" amount of a fee. Generally insurance companies have fee schedules which designate the maximum amount they will pay on any particular service. This allowed amount could be more or less than the fee that is charged for the service (usually the allowed amount is lower than the fee). Second, an insurance company will only pay 80% for services rendered after the insured has satisified their deductible. Therefore, if your insurance policy has a deductible of $500, the insured must pay out $500 towards their claims then insurance companies will consider paying 80% coinsurance on the remaining balance of unpaid services. Coinsurance does not apply to deductible amounts. Third, the service that is rendered must be a covered service under the insurance policy. If the service is not a covered service most insurance policies will not pay for the service, and usually it does not apply towards the deductible either. Lastly, if the provider of the service does not have a contract with your insurance company, the insured will most likely owe the difference between the allowed amount of the insurance company and the billed amount from the provider. Coinsurance does not apply to the portion of the fee that exceeds the insurance companies allowed amount. Billing the insured for this difference is referred to as balance billing.

Learn More About Health Insurance?

Health insurance is designed to help people when they incur medical expenses. Because health care costs have spiraled out of control over the past decades, many people find it impossible to go to the doctor to pay hospital bills were found having health insurance coverage. Of course, since so many people rely on health insurance to pay for their doctor bills, health insurance itself has become very expensive. many people prefer to buy their health insurance through their employer has a convenient payroll deduction, but nowadays employers are cutting back on the amount of money they pay towards employee health insurance, meaning that the overall cost of health care is increasing. when buying health insurance on your own, the cost generally increases as you add more co-pays and as your deductible decreases. To save money, a lot of people are buying major medical health insurance which pays only in the event of long-term hospitalization.

Does insurance help with buying a new vehicle if your car gets totaled?

Yes, they will help, but they won't buy you a new car. Once your car is deemed totaled, the insurance company will usually pay you the value of the car before the accident minus your deductible. You can either buy back the totaled car and repair it or use the money towards a new car.

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