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House flies have a powerful sense of smell, enabling them to detect sources of food--such as your garbage--from long distances. Once a fly gets into your house, it lays eggs on the garbage or other source of food. When the eggs hatch soon thereafter, you have instant flies all over the place.

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A dead rodent or mammal in a wall or the attic is a common one.

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13y ago

They are breeding nearby. If they are blowflies and in unusually large numbers indoors, you have a carcass or rotting meat somewhere.

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Where are flies coming from in your house?

each morning we find 6-7 large flies on our kitchen lights they are twice the size of normal house flies and look like the kind found on dead animals. this has been going on for the last 2 weeks and we have never had this happening before WAHTEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -will13705

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