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Q: Your child is having nephrotic syndrome for the past 4 years.?
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What population groups tend to get nephrotic syndrome?

Patients with nephrotic syndrome are from all age groups, although in children there is an increased risk of the disorder between the ages of 18 months and four years. In children, boys are more frequently affected; in adults.

How long does it take nephrotic syndrome to get better?

usually doctors say 2 weeks but ive got it and ive had it for 2 years now. its hard at the start but it will get better. it depend on how you respond to the medication aswell

How old should a child be for a confirmed diagnoses of Rett syndrome?

Rett syndrome is usually diagnosed between the ages of 6 months and 3 years old, when symptoms typically become more noticeable. Genetic testing is used to confirm a diagnosis of Rett syndrome.

Can a child with down syndrome live as long as a normal person?

Yes. Along with the Down they often have other physical problems such as enlarged hearts and immune problems, so they often die of something other than Down syndrome directly. Many die in their teen or early adult years.

How does the age of the mum effect the chance of a downs baby?

A child is more likely to have downs syndrome if the parents are over 40 years old.

What is a woman over 35 years old called having her first child?

A mother.

Can a child take Strattera if there is a strong family history of tourette syndrome and tic disorder?

absolutely i am 13 years old and my brother has tourette's syndrome his tics are very bad and he is able to take strattera. just look into it with the family pschychiatrist.

My boyfriend has Stevens Johnson Syndrome what can you do?

Love him regardless. My son passed away from this syndrome at the age of six years old, which was 9 years ago, I'm still learning to deal with not having him around. The best thing to do is just to Love with no limits. This is not only his battle it's everyone who loves your boyfriend.

A couple has a child with Down syndrome when the mother is 39 years old at the time of delivery Which is the most probable cause?

One member of the couple underwent nondisjunction in gamete production.

My son is five years old and he has been having nose bleeds in the middle of the night Does anyone know what this might be?

could be osler-weber-rendu syndrome go to

Congenital nephrotic syndrome?

DefinitionCongenital nephrotic syndrome is disorder passed down through families in which a baby develops protein in the urine and swelling of the body. Congenital means it is present from birth.See also: Nephrotic syndromeAlternative NamesNephrotic syndrome - congenitalCauses, incidence, and risk factorsCongenital nephrotic syndrome is a very rare form of nephrotic syndrome. It occurs primarily in families of Finnish origin and develops shortly after birth. It is inherited, which means it is passed down through families.Children with this disorder have an abnormal form of a protein called nephrin, which is found in the kidney.SymptomsCoughDecreased urine outputFoamy appearance of urineLow birth weightPoor appetiteSwelling (total body)Signs and testsAn ultrasound done on the pregnant mother before birth may show a larger-than-normal placenta. The placenta is the organ that develops during pregnancy to feed the developing baby.Pregnant mothers may have a screening test done during pregnancy to check for this condition. The test looks for higher-than-normal levels of alpha-fetoprotein in sample of amniotic fluid. Genetic tests should be used to confirm the diagnosis if the screening test is positive.After birth, the infant will show signs of severe fluid retention and generalized swelling. The health care provider will hear abnormal sounds when listening to the baby's heart and lungs with a stethoscope. Blood pressure may be high. There may be signs of malnutrition.A urinalysisreveals large amounts of protein and the presence of fat in the urine. Total protein in the blood may be low.TreatmentEarly and aggressive treatment is needed to control the disorder.Treatment may involve:Antibiotics to control infectionsBlood pressure medicines called ACE inhibitorsDiuretics ("water pills") to eliminate excess fluidNonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as indomethacin to slow protein build up in the urineFluids may be restricted to help control swelling.Removal of the kidneys, dialysis, and kidney transplant may be recommended.Expectations (prognosis)The disorder commonly results in infection, malnutrition, and kidney failure. It can often lead to death by 5 years of age, and many children die within the first year. Congenital nephrotic syndrome may be successfully controlled in some cases with early and aggressive treatment, including early kidney transplantation.ComplicationsAcute kidney failureBlood clotsChronic kidney failureEnd-stage kidney diseaseFrequent, severe infectionsMalnutrition and related diseasesCalling your health care providerCall your health care provider if your child has symptoms of congenital nephrotic syndrome.ReferencesNephrotic Syndrome. In: Kliegman RM, Behrman RE, Jenson HB, Stanton BF, eds. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics. 18th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier; 2007:chap. 527.

Who was Dagwood's girlfriend?

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