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This is a good question.
Depends on the country you are in.

What can you do is:
a) to find out the reason to what happened, just ask, and keep your eyes and your EARS open and don't onject to what you hear. Be patient.

b) Educate, teach both your kind AND your self! Teenagers suffer a huge hormonal shift which can cause them to go out of control - this is normal and will last only a couple of years. Be patient and try to understand and establish new trust and information link with the kid. When teenagers are maturing they discover things they don't tell you about. If you want access to such information, you need to gain new trust; but keep your authority, you're the adult.

c) Mild physical punishment may be appropriate in some occasions. But NEVER do that in anger and only because of a specific reason, not because someone made you mad. (It helps the dreamer to snap out of his daydreaming of invincibility)

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Q: Your teenager is out of control what are your rights as a parent?
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If you're even thinking of that you should of never became an adoptive parent in the first place. Because you can't do that. If the child is acting up then maybe they're not happy. You might want to change that.

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They have an opinion, which could be a sign of parental alienation, or just being a teenager not wanting to be told what to do. see link