

Are pensioners covered by ambulance all over Australia?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: Are pensioners covered by ambulance all over Australia?
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Who does st john ambulance help?

Where? Well all over the world. St john ambulance has many roles round the world form first aid, to ambulance services, to hospital workers. We work in the UK, ireland, jerusalem, australia, singapore, hong kong, canada, germany, you get my drift...... Hope I answered your question

Why is ambulance spelled backwards on an ambulance truck?

Because when you see it in your rear-view mirror, It reads AMBULANCE, and you know to pull over to let it pass.

What happens if you call the ambulance for somebody with no insurance?

The ambulance has to respond. the person can refuse attention if he is over 18, not incoherent and conscious

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The people that are eligible to stay at Chelsea pensioners are the ones that are: over 65 years old, free of any financial obligation to support a spouse or family. Also eligible for admission are any former officers of the British Army who meet the criteria above.

Why do you think that the word ambulance is written in the reverse on front of the ambulance front?

So that if you see it in your rear-view mirror, you can read it instantly, and pull over to let the ambulance go by (which is the law in most if not all states).

What is the word for when you have to pull over for an ambulance?

To YIELD or to give the right-of-way.

What would happen if you accidentally ran over the Pope?

I would call an ambulance.

What should you do if you rub glue all over yourself?

Call an ambulance and they will take you to the hospital to do something

What are the rules for when an ambulance is behind you on the road?

If the ambulance isn't using its lights and sirens, just follow normal traffic laws. If it is, you'll need to pull over to the side of the road and wait for it to pass.

Why the word ''ambulance'' is wrtten as''ecnalubma'' in front of the vehicle?

It is written that way because when you look in the rear-view and side-view mirrors, you can see "AMBULANCE" written correctly, and can pull over to the right side of the road to let it through.

Can an indvidual buy an ambulance?

Anyone can buy and own a used ambulance, not just businesses and organizations. Just make sure to remove the red emergency lights or paint over them before you go driving around in it.

Is there St John Ambulance Volunteers in Germany?

Yes, they can be found all over Germany. They are known as Die Malteser there.