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It's POSSIBLE but you have to take into consideration that the "are they, aren't they" hype could very likely be just that... hype.

I'm not saying they AREN'T, but what I am saying is that if you think about the timing and other factors, the media coverage, and inevitable claims of "Rob admits he and Kristen are dating", "Robsten seen cuddling in public", and countless other claims of this nature, suspiciously gain momentum as each new Twilight Saga film nears it's release date.

Then, just as quickly as the "evidence" and many times misinterpreted "Admitted-by-Rob" relationship confessions flood the media, creating the needed excitement for the maximum film and merchandising profits, they suspiciously fade away until the next marketing period...such as DVD release, upcoming sequel, etc etc.

Nevertheless, as the curious phenomena of the "Robsten" obsession seems to go, none of these facts regarding Entertainment marketing methods will make a difference to those who will believe what they want to believe. If such were the case, I'm sure Summit Entertainment, those they pay to create and maintain hype for their product, and the management for the actors themselves, have a solid "Plan B"ackup, with various types of possible Damage Control elements included, ready to roll out in just such a case.

And they know most of the potential situations that could create setbacks in this highly profitable Twilight Franchise. They aren't just sitting around clueless and without a plan for the known, and many hypothetical, "issues" that could very easily come to light. Any studio at this level in the game would be stupid to not know "the enemies" to their continued success.

And "ROBSTEN" is not the enemy. It's the Holy Grail. Don't expect them to part with something like that easily. Money talks, and Summit's money is having a full-on affair with mainstream media. Journalistic integrity has left the building. Hell, I would too if baited with a nice chunk of Summit's pocket change. Right or wrong, the "Root of all Evil" morality issue could just kiss my...... I'm sure a nice charity donation would redeem me. #KeepTellingMyselfThat

Funny though how the, from what I've heard, Mormon(writer's religion) issue with the "alleged" <--(must use that to avoid lawsuit right? lol) homosexuality of at least two (that I know of) of the Holy Twi-trinity is more important in protecting than that pesky Lust of Money. But that's the ol' selective belief hypocrisy for ya.

#JustSayin #BelieveWhatYouWant

New simple answer.

Rpattz and K-Stew were dating, but now that she has cheated, he wants 2 months to decide whether to forgive or not. #Simple

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Q: Are rob and Kristen Stewart dating?
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