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You cannot eat grapefruit while taking methadone because certain organic compounds in the grapefruit will inhibit certain enzymes in your intestine and, to a lesser extent, your liver. This means that because there are less of these enzymes floating around to break down the methadone, more of that methadone is in your bloodstream. Thus a toxic level may build up, rendering you dead from an opiate overdose.

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Q: Why cant you eat grapefruit while taking methadone?
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No. No sleeping pills should be taken while on methadone. Ask your doc for something to help you sleep. I used to be on it and they prescriped everybody seroquel. Its not a sleeping pill but its side affect is sleeping. because you cant mix the two. It can kill you. I took a lot of things while i was on methadone but i never once messed with the sleeping pills

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You could take them together but its quite a waste eventually. Methadone works as a blocker of opiates . Heroin addicts get prescribed it to take away their withdrawal but also so they cant get high from herion anymore. You would have to be on it for a little while before that starts working but it eventually does. I used to take up to 30 vicodin and or norcos a day, and when i tried to get off it i was prescribed methadone. ++Addition++ First of all, methadone DOES NOT block the effects of opiates. It does not contain any of the opiate blocking chemicals like suboxone or narcon does. However, taking ANY opiate in addition to Methadone can be very dangerous. Methadone is stronger per mg than many of the standard opiates that people take, such as Norco or Lortab. So taking one of these with Methadone can very easily send you into overdose mode. This is not to say that they cannot be taken together, but you just have to be very, very careful. My suggestion would be to ALWAYS speak with your doctor or other licensed health care professional for advice on what to take with your methadone.

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Why cant you eat grapefruit and take lipiture medications?

grapefruit juice interacts with many many drugs... but usually it is only a mild interaction perhaps slightly increasing or decreasing the potency of some medications. but your pharmacist is trained to know these things he is the one to call.

Why cant i feel my Oxycontin after being on methadone?

Methadone blocks the effects of Oxycontin and other opiates. Why are you on Methadone and Oxycontin in the first place? And how much of each? Then you will have a more accurate answer than the above. Well I might not be around to get your answer to my question so here it is: Methadone is NOT an antagonist acting substance nor even a partial antagonist like SUBUXONE (buprenorphine). Methadone is used as replacement therapy for opiate addicts. It is typically more manageable and longer acting than other opiates. If you are on both at the same time then you are feeling both of their effects and may have a higher tolerance now (which if you are not on methadone for opiate replacement, then you should talk to your doctor because you are on a quick and horrific road of opiate abuse if this is the case). If you were on Methadone and then switched to Oxycontin, it may be the case that your methadone dosage was stronger than the Oxycontin dosage you took and therefore you now have a higher tolerance.

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