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Q: Can you use bread flour in naan bread?
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Does naan bread contain gluten?

Yes it does, because it is made out of wheat flour.

Does naan bread use chemical or natural leavening agents?

does naan bread use chemical or natural leavening agents ?

Information on naan bread where does it come fromwhat is it used for?

infromation about naan bread infromation about naan bread

When was naan bread invented?

Naan bread is most often associated with India, and Indian cuisine. However the first Naan bread was made in Persia around 1300 AD. Naan bread is a flatbread made from white flour. It is a staple part of cuisine in central and south Asia, (areas including Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan and India.)

How do you pronounce naan bread?

I say narn bread but some people say naan bread :/

What country does naan bread come from from?


What texture is Naan Bread?

Naan is flour rolled out or hand spread in an elongated shape. It is baked freshly and served . Often the flour is fermented. It is popular in Central Asia, Middle east regions & Punjab in India.

How is naan bread served?

Normally you serve it with curry and sometimes the naan bread has herbs in it.

What are facts about naan bread?

The facts about naan breads are that you normally eat it with a lovely curry. Naans are nice and flat and yummy. They come in lots of different flavours. YUM!

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Do people eat naan bread on a special occasion?

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Any variations of Naan Bread?

There are several other Indian breads, such as Chappatti and Roti, which are similar and much thinner than naan bread. They are made from flour, water and salt, and are cooked over an open flame or in a tandoor oven to make them puff up.