

Do you have surgery for broad base disc bulging?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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Q: Do you have surgery for broad base disc bulging?
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This is called a broad based disc herniation

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What is a broad based central disc protrusion that is superimposed on moderate generalized disc bulging?

You have injured a disc in your back ( little shock absorbers between your vertebrae ), and it is bulging out at the site of the injury. Take care or it may become herneated or rurtured.

Is having two Thoracic Disc Herniations one bulging thoracic disc and a tear in a c-spine disc treatable?

I have 2 bulging discs myself, Dr won't operate since it involves a serious surgery where they have to enter from the front. You take a risk anytime they do surgery on the spine so unless you are a lot older, I would learn to live with it.

Can the bulging disc in neck travel to lower back?

The pain from a bulging disc in your neck can travel to the lower back. The actual bulging disc condition will not move or spread.

How do you fix a bulging disc?

A bulging disc occurs when there is a tear in your vertebral discs, causing the inner soft portion to stick out, or bulge. You can get a bulged disc from injury to your spine - for example, like a car accident. If you have a bulging disc, you should get checked out by a professional. I had a friend who suffered intense back pain because of her bulged disc and resorted to natural healing methods which have helped her a lot. See related link.

Will a bulging disk heal or will I have to have surgery?

It depends on the severity and the vertebral level. You may consider Bowen Therapy from a qualified registered therapist. I have been virtually pain free since 1999 from a bulging disc at L4/L5 after Bowen Therapy. I resisted surgery on advice of a surgeon.

What is another word or term for a bulging disk?

A more commonly used term for a bulging disc is a herniated disc. This ailment may also be referred to as a slipped disc, ruptured disc, or protruding disc.

What is minimal disc bulge at t10 and t11?

Minimal disc bulging means that you are at the beginning stages of a bulging disc. This can cause pain, numbness, and tingling in the neck and back.

What is Straightening of the normal cervical curvature?

i have been miserable with pain in neck and shoulders and more,went to the er and the results show there is straightening to the normal curvature.on c2-c3 there is moderate disc bulging. without disc herniation. c3 and c4 there is broad disc herniation present extending to the right midlin.There is evidence of central canal and right sided forminal narrowing.on c4 - c5 broad disc/ridge complex is present.there is mild centralcanal narrowing and mild left foraminal narrowing. c5 and c6 there is mild disc bulging without disc herniation.Cuts at lung aspices are unremarkable.multilevel disc disease.