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The rooster does not need to fertilize the hen everyday. The rooster deposits a sperm cluster or sperm sac when mating.

The sperm live inside the female reproductive system and each time an ovulation occurs (every 24-26 hours in good egg producers) the egg can become fertile. This process continues and matings at 7 - 10 day intervals are necessary to maintain fertility. The rooster does not need to fertilize the hen everyday.

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Q: Does a chicken need a rooster to fertilize each and every egg or does the chicken only need the rooster to fertilize her so she can lay a clutch of eggs so it'll produce baby chicks?
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Does a chicken egg have to be fertilized by a male chicken to make a chick?

They lay eggs daily, but if you want chicks you have to have a male to fertilize the eggs.

What are the chicks like from a banty hen and full size rooster?

Hello, The difference is that a chicken is a female hen and lays egg's and rooster is a male therefore he will fertilize the eggs. The the difference between normal chickens and bantam chickens is that they are much smaller nearly half the size of a average chicken. Hope this Helps,

What is parent chicken?

A parent chicken is commonly a female chicken known as a hen that has hatched chicks. The parent chicken will protect the young chicks at all times.

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What breed of chicken wherein the rooster takes part in brooding and rearing of chicks?

A rooster will never brood the eggs, but he will defend his chicks. Although my rooster one time did brood when we first got him he stopped the next day, he only did it because the hen was already sitting on the eggs.

With Rhode Island Red hens do you need a Rhode Island Red rooster to produce RIR chicks or will any kind of rooster do?

yes and no. i you want to produce pure bred RIR you must get a RIR Rooster. If you don't care if they are purebred you can get any breed of rooster. ..prinsesrau answer.... hens can have part rir chicks if there rir or if the rooster is. yes it depends if u weant pure rir if that is the case hen and rooster need to be rir

What is a young chicken called?

A young chicken is called a chick, a pullet (young hen), or a cockerel (young rooster).

Are chickens and chicks the same?

Hen is the female gender of the species. Chicken is a species Hen the female and rooster the male gender.

What is the function of chicken?

As with all creatures. The genetic imperative is to grow up strong and health, reproduce and continue the species. Hens produce eggs, roosters fertilize, the chicks grow and start over.

What are old chickens called?

Old chickens are called hens or stewing hens. These are chickens that no longer produce eggs. Their muscles are tough and need to be stewed a long time to become a delicious treat. They make good chicken soup.

Do you need a rooster to make a egg?

You do not need a rooster for a hen to lay eggs. A well feed, happy hen of appropriate age will lay about one egg a day. If a rooster is around the eggs will be fertilized and you get more chickens, if not you get yummy eggs to eat.

Is it normal that a hen lay eggs even without the contact of a rooster?

Yes, if they have a nest, they will lay eggs (as long as they aren't too young or old) ...if there's a rooster, he can fertilize those eggs and that is where little chicks come from...if there isn't a rooster around, that's where your omelets come from ;p