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Sperms drinking is very good thing for a women specially above 45 yrs. Its help anti ageing and stops getting grey hairs and less fall of the hairs. Even it helps for the skin were wrinkle are visible drinking sperms of your partner will slowly vanish the wrinkle from the visible area and also help to built up stamina for more sex and activeness, also protects DNA from acid denatruration. Male sperms plasma contains a complex range of organic and inorganic constituents including metal and salt ions, sugars, lipids, steroid hormones, enzymes, prostaglandin hormones, amino acids and basic amines such as putrescine, spermine, spermidine and cadaverine. Since the seminal plasma provides a nutritive and protective medium for the spermatozoa during their journey through the female reproductive tract, it has been believed for a long time that the same protective properties can help protect skin from the environment. As for it's benefit to skin, Well, semen contains proteins, which tightens the skin helping with wrinkles. It also contains an abundance of natural lipids, essential amino acids and prostaglandin, natural substances which aid in skin repair and increase blood flow bringing in more nutrients to the to the skin. so go for it without any fear.

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13y ago

While a boy drinking his own semen is not dangerous, it is not particularly beneficial either.

But a boy drinking someone else's semen could expose him to the risk of contracting an infection if the donator of the sperm was infected.

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Drinking ones own sperms will cause any infection?

No. You can't catch a STD from yourself.

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No, he can't, because he doesn't have female genital organs (ovaries, a womb, and ovums).

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the guy feels after sperms come out does not sounds good. in other sense feels tired.

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dead because women don't produce sperm. if sperm is not fertilized with womans egg it dies.

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Not the stain but the sperms are dead for good.

Does human cells have flagella?

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