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Q: Does serious monkey bizzness monkey wizz work to pass a drug test?
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How do you get the gates open on monkey quest?

You have to get a PASS from a monkey or get the key for that gate that is how you open gates.

What is the easiest drug test to pass?

there is no easy drug test to pass. All drug tests are easy to pass if you aren't taking any drugs in the first place

What does it mean to get a monkey off your back?

Meanings:-To end a problem-If you get the monkey off your back, you pass on a problem to someone else.AnswerA monkey on your back is anything at all that you find to be a constant burden. You have to finish your BA degree for advancement at work, you are married and have a small child. Having to get that degree is "a monkey on your back". It usually doesn't refer to actual physical burdens.Also refers to having a drug addiction.

What kind of exercise should you do to pass a drug test and how often?

The best way to pass a drug test is not to take the drug they are testing for.

If you drink ice tea can you pass a drug test in two days?

If i drink ice tea i can pass a drug test in two days. I can also pass a drug test now.

Will you pass a drug test if you have a scrip for the drug?

If you test positive for a drug but have a scrip for that drug all you have to do is prove that you have the scrip and you will pass because if ya got a scrip its not illegal.

How do you pass a drug test in 4 hours?

If you have been doing drugs, you won't pass a drug test.

Will you pass a swab drug test if you passed a urine drug test on the same day?

Will you pass a swab drug test if you passed a urine drug test on the same day?

What pill will help pass a drug test?

The only way to pass a drug test is to stop using drugs. Simple as that.

What is a plenty pass?

It's when a dark brown monkey drops his poo onto another monkey and then they clean eachother!

How much milk does a pregnant woman have to drink to pass a drug test?

Milk will not help you pass a drug test.

How do you get monkey quest guest pass?

you you throw a bomb at the monster