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To cure a wisdom tooth infection, there are two options.

Option 1:

If your wisdom tooth is normal, you need to follow a course of antibiotics to get rid off the infection, and maintain oral hygiene in order to avoid getting back such infection.

Option 2:

If your wisdom tooth is impacted, first you need to follow a course of antibiotics to get rid off the infection, while maintaining oral hygiene in order to avoid getting back such infection, and then get it extracted by an oral surgeon before the impacted tooth outgrows and damages the adjacent tooth.

Tooth extraction can be done with just a local anesthesia using nitrous oxide (laughing gas ), or general anesthesia with an injection..

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8y ago
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15y ago

My throbbing pain has subsided in 10 hours same day.
Infection swell is there without pain.

Reason being:

taken 2 times of medication (painkiller/antibiotics) without 8 hours interval.

CLOVE OIL! miracle. just bought it, dip it in gauze and place at extracted tooth socket.
Instant pain relief. no headache, toothache or throbbing pain in face. instant.

I suggest anyone to try CLOVE OIL for fast relief temporary. BE it DRY SOCKET or Post Infection SWELL.

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14y ago

Rinse the area with salt water 3 or 4 times a day.
Just mix a teaspoon of salt in warm water to make a saline solution and bathe the area around the extraction.
Wait at least 24 hours from the extraction taking place before doing this.

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Lvl 4
1y ago

You can cure a wisdom tooth infection by brushing your teeth regularly, flossing daily, and using mouthwash. You can also try using a natural remedy such as oil pulling or using a salt water rinse.

To discover home remedies treatments for different diseases you can check the link in my BIO.

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12y ago

when i had them pulled out, i used alot of numbing cream at sleep

but i couldn't talk in the morning for like and hour...

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Q: How can you prevent infection after pulling out wisdom teeth?
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Believe it or not visit your dentist because you might have a problem there. Maybe an infection or the wisdom teeth which are really mollars need to be extracted for lack of room to grow them.

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Wisdom teeth should be extracted when they push and damage the 7th tooth while they grow, also when they develop a cyst or cause an infection, and wisdom teeth are removed if they're causing problems with prosthesis. Here's an interesting video about wisdom tooth extraction.

Do you have to get your wisdom teeth removed?

Wisdom teeth are frequent causes of infections and caries with high risk of damage to adjacent teeth. They are generally recommended for extraction early, during teen years, to prevent such problems.

Can you get a wisdom tooth infection even if you have taken medicine?

Yes, you can. An infection in your wisdom tooth is signaled by foul taste in your mouth, bad persistance breath, pain in your teeth, headache, fever and chills (at advanced stage infection).

Home remedy pull wisdom tooth?

Not to. Do not attempt to pull your own wisdom teeth. It is dangerous and can be extremely painful. Unless you are a dentist, you do not have the proper means or knowledge of pulling and caring for the removal of a wisdom tooth.

Your tongue is bruised after you had your wisdom teeth removed Why?

It could be because an infection has travelled to your tongue. I had the same problem.

Can Impacted lower wisdom teeth cause tender and aching neck glands?

Yes, if there is imflammation or infection.

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The teeth curl backwards to prevent struggling prey from escaping.

What can't teeth do that other parts of your body do?

The teeth cannot prevent infection or disease, whereas other organs and such can fight off those bacteria and infection. <><><> Teeth cannot heal themselves.

Mom had oral surgery and had wisdom teeth removed What can she do for the infection besides meds?

get medications, or ask doc fo advce