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Snails are classed as hermaphrodites They have both male and female reproductive organs.

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Q: How do you find out a snails gender?
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Related questions

How do you know if a snail is male or female land snail?

All snails are neither male / female. they have both gender organs.

How do you tell a sea snails gender?

Lift up it's skirt.

How can you tell if the apple snails are male or female?

You can't. They are all the same gender.

When do you find snails?

in a garden

How do garden snails have baby garden snails?

I've already answered a similar qst. Jst type in : How do snails make more snails and u'll find my answer.

Where do you find underwater snails?

You find Them under Water =]

Where and when can you find snails in your backyard?

You can find snails in dark, damp and moist areas. You can also find them in rotting wood and under a pile of damp leaves.

Where can you find snails on fusionfall?


How do snails find their way?


Do snails find there shells?

they are born with it

How do you find snails?

you may mostly find snails under rocks or hidden in grass around your yard or school fields but mainly on trees

Why do snails find other shells if they can make them?

Snails grow a shell that stays with them their entire life. They don't find larger ones as they grow.