

How do you stop myself going red when talking to a boy?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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17y ago

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If it is just a response to all boys, try to acquire some friends who are guys. After you talk with them a couple times, share some conversations, the blushing should subside. Or, place yourself in their vicinity so you can get used to them first. If you mean 'boy' as in a certain someone you like, that will take a bit of work. However, the same method will work here as well. Converse with him. My assumption is that you are both in school still, I apologize if that is not the case. If you feel bold, you can strike up a random conversation (don't choose the weather ^_~). If not, try regular topics, stuff you talk about with your other friends. If he is a jerk, and the blushing originates from him teasing you, or making harmful/hurtful comments, don't bother with him. There are many, many other boys out there to talk to.

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