

How is energy transferred through a food chain?

Updated: 9/29/2021
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6y ago

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10% or the energy of THE SUN is transferred.

1 tertiary consumers

10 secondary consumers

100 primary consumers

1000 producers

10000 sun

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Dagmar Bergstrom

Lvl 10
2y ago
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12y ago

Energy is transferred through a food chain by the consumers eating the producers and/or other consumers.

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Explain how energy is transferred through a food chain?

Energy is transferred through a food chain when an organism eats another organism. As the food chain progresses, less energy is available when an organism is consumed.

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What is transeferred from producers to consumers and decomposers through food chains?

Energy is transferred in a food chain. It starts with plants absorbing energy from the sun. It is then transferred up through the food chain by animals that eat plants which are, in turn, eaten by carnivore's.

What shows the loss of energy as it is transferred through the food chain?

Ask anonymous

Why is only some energy transferred in a food chain?

energy is lost through heat excretion and movement

What is transferred from producers to consumers and decomposers in the food chain?

Energy is transferred betweenproducers to consumers and decomposers in the food chain.

How is energy transformed into monomers the transferred through the food chain?

Energy is already in the form of a monomer and it is hand picked and put into grass which is part of the food chain, so there u have it.

How is energy transferred through a food web and food chain using law of conversation of energy?

In a food chain and food web the energy is getting reused by the next level so the energy is not being created or distorted, just reused.

What is transferred from organism to organism in a food chain?

energy is transferred from on animal to the other animal. Because energy can't be destroyed only transferred

How is energy is transferred through trophic levels?

Trophic levels are the positions of organisms in a food chain. Energy is transferred through the trophic levels through ingestion at each level.

Is it true that a food chain models how food energy is transferred?

Yes. It distributes the energy from the sun to the plant and so on.

What is the sequence in which energy is transferred from one organism to another called?

A food chain.