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Q: How long are the CA gun restrictions for misdemeanor domestic violence?
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How long are the ND gun restrictions for misdemeanor domestic violence?

The FEDERAL restrictions are permanent, and take precedence over state law.

How long are the federal gun restrictions for misdemeanor domestic violence?

For life. They don't go away over time.

Can you own a gun if you have a misdemeanor in Colorado?

So long as it isn't for domestic violence, yes.

Can you own a gun in Wisconsin if you have a class A misdemeanor on your record?

yes just as long its not a felony Actually, it depends on what type of misdemeanor. If it is a misdemeanor offense of domestic violence, you cannot own a gun (or more specifically, you are a prohibited person).

How long are the CO gun restrictions for misdemeanor domestic violence?

Your problem is not Colorado law, it is Federal law, which takes precedence over state law. If you have been convicted of a crime of domestic violence, Federal law prohibits you from possessing a gun. I'm sorry, but there IS no time limit- it is permanent.

Can you own a handgun with a misdemeanor simple battery charge in Georgia?

yes as long as it isn't a family violence simple battery (domestic violence)

How long are the ca gun restrictions for misdememeanor domestic violence?

Regarding Domestic Violence convictions - Federal Law supersedes any state law and persons convicted of Domestic Violence offenses are prohibited from ever wonding or possessing firearms.

How long are the TX gun restrictions for a domestic violence conviction?

Under FEDERAL law, there is no time limit

Can you get a firearms carry permit with a class 3 misdemeanor in PA?

Depends on what the misdemeanor was, and how long ago. If it was domestic violence, you may not possess ANY firearm- Federal law.

Is there a statute of limitations for domestic violence in Tennessee?

It will depend on the level of the crime. For a misdemeanor it is 12 months. For felonies it could be as long as 8 years.

Can you get hunting license with misdemeanor on your criminal record?

The term is misdemeanor. In general, yes. However, depending on the misdemeanor, you may not be allowed to possess a firearm. If the conviction was for a crime of domestic violence, you may hunt, but not with a gun.

How long does domestic violence stay on your recore West Virginia?

How long does domestic violence stay on your record west Virginia?z