

How many ambulances were outside hillsbrough ground?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: How many ambulances were outside hillsbrough ground?
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What happened in the Hillsbrough soccer disaster?

the hilllsbrough disaster was at a football ground there was too many people, every one was crowded together and they were all tryng to get out of the crowd many people died including some police men it was on the news a couple of months ago.

How many ambulances in US?

a whole lot!!

Did women in World War 2 drive ambulanses?

Yes, many women drove ambulances.

When players a and b hit off between two tee markers how many club lengths can they go back from the markers?

Two.From the Rules of Golf, Section II, Definitions.The "teeing ground" is the starting place for the hole to be played. It is a rectangular area two club-lengths in depth, the front and the sides of which are defined by the outside limits of two tee-markers. A ball is outside the teeing ground when all of it lies outside the teeing ground.

What jobs did women find during World War 2 that were a break from traditional women's roles?

Women in WW2 made aircraft, riveted ships, built bombs and shells, drove ambulances and worked in farms. They performed magnificently.

How many ambulances come when one person is hurt?

If one person is hurt 1 ambulance will come but there may be an ambulance responder before it! Hope it helps.

How many ambulances are sold each year?

Roughly in US around 5,000 I was service manager for the largest mfg. of ambulances in the world in the mid-90's. At that time Ford would mfg. 5,000 47-A ambulance chasis of which we would purchase 2,500. The balance 2,500 would be split among the 40 (at that time) other ambulance mfgs.

How many inches does a car have to be from the ground?

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What are the responsibilities of emergency medical technicians?

Emergency Medical Technicians work on ambulances. What they are allowed to do will depend upon which state they are in. All are trained in CPR and management of many other emergency situations.

Do ambulances carry oxygen?

Yes, it is considered a first line treatment for many emergency situations. Even Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT) can administer this drug. Oxygen is considered a drug.

When was the Ambulance first invented?

Transporting patients by cart has been around since the ancient times. The Spanish in 1487 used them most regularly for emergency transport in the form of carts/carriages/wagons and the Knights of St. John. Thereafter throughout American and European countries during times of civil war and unrest. During the 19th - 20th centuries motor technology lent itself to advancement providing for motorized ambulances. Sometimes Hearses were also used as ambulances. Over many decades evolving into what it is today. In the 1980's ambulances had a fuel overhall changing from gas to diesel.

How many syllables does the word ground have?

Ground has one syllable.