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Its a really hard question to answer, First of all not all "Kidnappings" are about stealing the child and running off or ransoming him/her back. Some are fake, either done by the person themselves for attention or by an another person to create some sort of issue/distraction in a family matter. A huge percentage is over custody battles and when the individual loses, they take 'custody' themselves and is never heard of again.

You also need to realize that alot of kidnappings or "missing persons reports" are never heard, and a huge percent of them you will never hear about through public means such as TV, Radio or Newspapers. There are Missings Persons lists for federal agencies and police officials, But most of those are in well-maintained countries.

Now we get into the part that really screws the whole "Worldwide" part of the question..

People go missing every single day in Africa, Asia, Europe and are never heard of again, Sad to say but some aren't even noticed, Alot of them are allocated into the trade of Human Trafficking. It is a huge industry in today's world making profits in the millions, But by far one of the most disgusting and disgraceful.

I Know i didn't really answer your question very well, But there is alot of factors to take in account when trying to figure something like this out.

Bottom line: You wont find out unless you do a compilation of every Missing Persons list. But you can be sure its not a small number.

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