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Growing taller after puberty (18-25 years old) is impossible without surgery or a defective pituitary gland. However, growing shorter after puberty is common, if not universal. In short, the only way to change height dramatically after puberty is through surgical procedure to lengthen the lower leg.

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Q: If growing taller was possible at any age can shrinking be possible at any age too?
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How to stop growing taller?

There is no way to stop growing taller. You will stop growing usually around the age of 18.

How does age change your attiude?

your growing so when you are growing you get taller and when you get taller and your age number gets higher you are becoming a big kid in your school then you learn more things then next thing you know it i don't know sorry.

Do you stop growing taller then before if you start growing a mustache at age 13?

Dude that's so totally awsome!

What Age when girls stop growing taller?

it depends on the person but it can sometimes be from 15 - 18

Can you have a growth spurt at the age of 17?

Yes you can. Puberty may have finished for girls by 17 but boys can still be growing. Most boys will still be in puberty at 17 and growing.

Can height growing is possible after age 27?

No, you are done growing.

Im 15 years old im 5 foot 6 i went throw puberty and i stopped growing taller now i play plenty of sport im taller than both or my parents is there anyway i could grow any taller?

At 15-years-old it is unlikely you have finished growing yet. It is possible you will have another growth spurt before you reach 20-years-old. That is the age you are likely to have finished growing.

I am 22 of age I want to grow tall 4 to 5 inches in 2 yearswill I grow taller How?

The average age when girls stop growing is between 16 to 17, and the average age when boys stop growing is 18 to 19. However it is possible, some people continue to grow until their mid-twenties.

Will you grow any taller than what you are at age thirteen and four feet eleven inches?

Most people do not stop growing at age 13, so it's extremely probable that you will become taller.

How does food not make you taller?

1) It doesn't make you taller than the maximum which your DNA (heredity) calls for. 2) It doesn't make you taller after a certain age, when you've stopped growing in height.

Can you grow taller after 22 years old?

Most people stop growing after age 17, and nearly all have stopped growing after age 18-19. Anyone who is still growing at age 22 probably has some kind of growth disorder, such as acromegaly.

Can you grow taller at age 16?

Yes. In most cases, you can keep growing until you're aged 21.