

Best Answer

umm yeah i shOuld tHink sO..each female is diiff..sO yeah ...ii qot da same thinq rii nOw so..i wanted 2 nOe 2...but yeaH u shOuld u Be Okay

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Q: Is heartburn a sign of pms?
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Related questions

Are sore and swollen nipples just a sign of PMS?

That can be sign of pregnancy or PMS. All women are different.

Are body aches a sign of pms?

One of them.

Is having the worst PMS ever a possible sign of pregnancy?

Yes, PMS can also be a sign of pregnancy providing you haven't got your period. Do a pregnancy test.

Is heartburn and constipation a pregnancy symptom?

Yes heartburn and constipation ARE a sign of pregnancy but there are many other symptoms as well

You are expecting your period in a week and your nipples have become darker and you have been nauseous for 3 days is this a sign of PMS or pregnancy?

This could be a sign of pms or pregnancy. The only way to be sure is take a test!

Are cramps and constipation a sign of a STD?

Not really. Sounds like PMS.

Is it a sign of pregnancy or PMS if you get cramps a week before your period is due?

definatly sign of pms ____ You CAN and SHOULD never say it is definitely a sign of this or that since it may be a sign of other things,like pregnancy,stomach upset etc,....

Is nausea ever a sign of pms?

Yes, but generally not actually throwing up

Can burping and gurgling in your stomach be a sign of pms?

There is a wide array of symptoms of Pre-Menstrual Syndrome, and the symptoms differ from one woman to another. It is certainly possible, though not necessarily the case, that burping and gurgling in the stomach could be a sign of PMS.

You have back pain your stomach feels bloated what does this mean?

Could be an early sign of pregnancy, or PMS

Your girlfriend has been having heartburn at least once a day if not more does that mean she is pregnant?

no, it means she has heartburn. please review symptoms of ulcers, acid reflux disease, etc. heartburn is generally NOT a sign of pregnancy the way nausea is.

If your breasts become tender at 5 dpo and then the tenderness disappear at 10 dpo is it a sign of miscarriage?

No it's a sign of pms. Not pregnancy. Sorry.