

Stack program in c

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Q: Stack program in c
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Two little problems: 1. stack doesn't have a flow-chart 2. there are no flow-charts in a C program

Write a program to convert stack into queue using c language?

In order to write a program to convert stack into queue using c language you must be able to identify the proper program. Having a special certification in programing will be beneficial as well to make sure you recognize the proper queues for the programs.

Write a c program to sort an unsorted stack?

A stack is implicitly sorted by hierarchical nested order. It does not make sense to sort a stack. Do you mean a list? If so, please ask the question again.

What is the difference between stack pointer and program counter?

The stack pointer keeps track of the top of the stack used by the current thread. The program counter keeps track of the next instruction in a program. Both are registers and both store a memory address.

C program for insertion and deletion in stacks?

chk out the following link showing you how to implement stack. Though it is a c++ implementation it may still help you.

What is pop in C plus plus?

"Pop" allows you to remove items off of the stack. The stack is an area in memory that contains the information of a program, such as function names and instructions, the values of variables, etc. The opposite of pop is "push". This allows you to add items to the stack.

How do you refresh stack using library functions in C programming?

What do you mean by stack-refreshing? Anyway, there are no stack handling functions in the standard C library.

'write a simple program for stack operation in c plus plus?

void push(int y) { if(top>stackSize) { cout<<"stack full"<<endl; return; } else { top++; stack[top]=y; } } int pop() { int a; if(top<=0) { cout<<"stack is empty"<<endl; return 0; } else { a=stack[top]; top--; } return(a); }

What is Stack overflow at line?

A stack overflow is a type of buffer overflow in which an array writes memory outside of the array boundaries. The keyword here is "stack". The stack is a section in memory in which local variables and other program data are kept for future reference. When the stack gets overflown, adjacent program memory, such as variables, pointers, etc, will be overwritten and cause your program to crash.