

What Chromosome Set Determines The Sex?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: What Chromosome Set Determines The Sex?
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Which sex chromosome determines if an offspring is male or female in humans?

In humans, which sex chromosome determines if an offspring is a male or female?

In human which sex chromosome determines if an offspring is a male or female?

In humans, which sex chromosome determines if an offspring is a male or female?

What determines the sex of an individual?

Presence or absence of the Y chromosome

What determines the sex of the offspring.?

For humans x or y chromosome from father

Is the sex offspring is determined by the chromosome the female parent gives?

No, the male determines the sex of a child.

What determines the sex of the organism?

The male has an x and a y sex chromosome. The female has two x sex chromosomes.

Who makes the sex of the baby?

The chromosome in the male's gamete determines the gender of the baby. If it is a Y chromosome, the baby will be a boy. If the chromosome is a X, the baby will be a girl.

How are autosomes similar to sex chromosomes?

Sex chromosomes and autosomes are from the same chromosome, The chromosome has 46 chromosomes and 2 of them are sex chromosomes and the rest are called autosomes

What sex chromosome does a male have?

The male sex chromosome is XY, and females are XX. The X comes from the female, and an X or a Y from the male. When they meet, that determines whether the baby will be a boy or a girl.

Is it possible to have a XXY chromosome set for sex?

Yes. That chromosome disjunction event is called Kleinfelter's syndrome. PS Sex. Biologists use the word sex.

Who determines the sex of a child?

The generally accepted theory is that males determine the sex because males can donate both an X chromosome or Y chromosome, while females can only donate an X chromosome to their offspring :D Hope this Helped

What determines a person's sex during development?

well a persons sex is determined at conception the thing that determines it is the thirty second chromosome whick is provided by a male it can be an X chromosome or a Y chromosome if it is an X the formula is XX (because the women has an X chromosome) and it is a guy if it is XY