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Far Pointer is a pointer that is stored using four bytes (32 bits). The bytes are stored little endian or low to high order. A far pointer can access objects up to 16K in size in any memory area. Objects larger than 16K must be accessed using huge pointers

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12y ago

Huge pointers are fully recognised and evaluated for their entire width.

Far pointers only allow normal operations to be done to their offset amount and not the segment or paragraph amount.

AnswerNear pointers have a size of 2 bytes. They only store the offset of the address the pointer is referencing. An address consisting of only an offset has a range of 0 - 64K bytes starting from the beginning of DGROUP. A near pointer can be incremented and decremented using arithmetic operators (+, -, ++, and --) through the entire address range. Any attempt to increment a near pointer that has a value of 64K (0xffff) will result in a value of 0. This is referred to as wrapping the pointer. A corresponding result can be expected when attempting to decrement a pointer that contains an address of 0, except the result will be 64K instead of 0. In addition to being incremented and decremented, near pointers can be compared to one another using relational operators ( <, >, ==, >= and <= ). Far pointers have a size of 4 bytes. They store both the segment and the offset of the address the pointer is referencing. A far pointer has an address range of 0 - 1M bytes. It is important to understand that an addressing range of 1M does not remove the 640K barrier from the program. It means that the pointer can address the upper memory area (641 - 1M) which typically contains video memory, ROM and anything else that may be loaded high. A far pointer can be incremented and decremented using arithmetic operators. When a far pointer is incremented or decremented ONLY the offset of the pointer is actually incremented or decremented. The segment is never incremented by the arithmetic operators. This means that although a far pointer can address up to 1Mb of memory, it can only be incremented through 64Kb and the offset will start at zero again without changing the value of the segment. This is referred to as "wrapping" the pointer (e.g. 0F3E:FFFF + 1 = 0F3E:0000). When a far pointer is decremented from zero it will wrap the other way and become 64K. Far pointers are not unique. It is possible to have two far memory addresses that have different segments values and different offset values that address the same memory location e.g. 0777:2222 has an absolute address of 07770 + 2222 = 09992 and 0999:0002 has an absolute address of 09990 + 0002 = 09992. When relational operators are used on far pointers only the offsets are compared. For example: if we let a = 0777:2222 and let b = 0999:0002 then a 0002 which is in fact false. In other words relational operators will only work on far pointers if the segment values of the pointers being compared are the same. Huge pointers have a size of 4 bytes. They store both the segment and the offset of the address the pointer is referencing. A huge pointer has an address range of 0 - 1M bytes. A huge pointer can be incremented and decremented using arithmetic operators. The only difference between a far pointer and a huge pointer is that a huge pointer is normalized by the compiler. A normalized pointer is one that has as much of the address as possible in the segment, meaning that the offset is never larger than 15. A huge pointer is normalized only when pointer arithmetic is performed on it. It is not normalized when an assignment is made. You can cause it to be normalized without changing the value by incrementing and then decrementing it. The offset must be less than 16 because the segment can represent any value greater than or equal to 16 (e.g. Absolute address 0x17 in a normalized form would be 0001:0001. While a far pointer could address the absolute address 0x17 with 0000:0017, this is not a valid huge (normalized) pointer because the offset is greater than 0000F.). Huge pointers can also be incremented and decremented using arithmetic operators, but since they are normalized they will not wrap like far pointers. Huge pointers can be reliably used with relational operators because they are normalized. This works because normalization of huge pointers insures that every huge pointer is unique. It is important to understand that huge pointers are never the default pointer, even in the huge memory model.


Manu Dhawan

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18y ago

All three of these pointer types are specific to the Intel x86 segmented architecture, and those processors that emulate this architecture. Segmented architecture here refers to memory access. A memory address in this scenario could be an offset from a segment register. The near pointer is a 16-bit entity that contains just the offset from the default data segment register. The far pointer contains the segment address and the offset in a dual 16-bit structure. The huge pointer is the actual memory address, without reference to any segment register.

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12y ago

"near" and "far" pointers are actually non-standard qualifiers that you'll find only on x86 systems. They reflect the odd segmentation architecture of Intel processors. In short, a near pointer is an offset only, which refers to an address in a known segment. A far pointer is a compound value, containing both a segment number and an offset into that segment.

Segmentation still exists on Intel processors, but it is not used in any of the mainstream 32-bit operating systems developed for them, so you'll generally only find the "near" and "far" keywords in source code developed for Windows 3.x, MS-DOS, Xenix/80286, etc.

AnswerA near pointer is a 16 bit pointer to an object contained in the current segment, be it code segment, data segment, stack segment, or extra segment. The compiler can generate code with a near pointer and does not have to concern itself with segment addressing, so using near pointers is fastest, and generates smallest code. The limitation is that you can only access 64kb of data at a time, because that is the size of a segment - 64kb. A near pointer contains only the 16 bit offset of the object within the currently selected segment.

A far pointer is a 32 bit pointer to an object anywhere in memory. In order to use it, the compiler must allocate a segment register, load it with the segment portion of the pointer, and then reference memory using the offset portion of the pointer relative to the newly loaded segment register. This takes extra instructions and extra time, so it is the slowest and largest method of accessing memory, but it can access memory that is larger than 64kb, sometimes, such as when dealing with video memory, a needful thing. A far pointer contains a 16 bit segment part and a 16 bit offset part. Still, at any one instant of time, without "touching" segment registers, the program only has access to four 64kb chunks, or segments of memory. If there is a 100kb object involved, code will need to be written to consider its segmentation, even with far pointers.

Now, segments overlap. Each segment is 64kb in length, but each one overlaps the next and the prior by 65520 bytes. That means that every address in memory can be addressed by 64kb-1 different combinations of segment:offset pairs. The result is that the total addressible memory was only 1mb, and the total usable memory address space was 500kb to 600kb. That sounds odd, but Intel built it, Microsoft wrote it, and DOS/Windows 3.1 grew up around it. I still have that computer, and it still works just fine, thank you. :-)>

Now the huge pointer. The far pointer suffers because you can not just add one to it and have it point the the next item in memory - you have to consider segment:offset rules, because of the 16 byte offset issue. The huge pointer is a monolithic pointer to some item with a large chunk of memory, and there are no segment:offset boundaries.

Beautiful - huhh?? - well, in order to get that, the pointer to segment:offset calculation has to be done every time you reference the pointer. It does allow you to create and manipulate a single monolithic object that is greater than 64kb, but it has its costs.

Answerhi akreeti, far pointers are the normalized pointers of four bytes which are used to access the main memory of the computer can access both the data segment and code segment thus by modifing the offset u can modify refer two different addresses but refer to the same memory . soumya AnswerHi all, In a generic OS , memory is organised in a segment:offset fashion. Now say,it is of "X" MB and this "X" MB is made up of say "S" number of segments of each segment having "B" Bytes where S*B Bytes=X MB.

Near Pointer: A near pointer is that which will only point within the current segment say segment 3 (there are S number of segments numbered 0 to S-1) by containing only offset .

Far Pointer: A far pointer is that which will point anywhere in the X MB across segments by containing segment+offset .

The numbers X,S and B vary across diff operating system memory models under which you are programming .

Say for MS-DOS,X=1MB;B=16 Bytes and S=1Mega Bytes/16 Bytes . Here, near poinetr will have 4 bits to express address from 0 to 16 Bytes in a segment . Here, far pointer will have "l" bits for segment part of memory where 2^l=S (Here S should be a multiple of 16 bytes i.e; B=offset memory) and 4 bits for offset part of memory . so far poinetr will have l+4 bits .

Thanks Chandra

AnswerIn DOS only 1 mb (10,48,580 bytes) of memory is accessible. Any of these memory locations are accessed using CPU registers. Under DOS the CPU registers are only 16 bits long. Therefore, the minimum value present in a CPU register could be 0, and maximum 65,535. Then how do we access memory locations beyond 65535th byte? By using two registers (segment and offset) in conjunction. For this the total memory (1 mb) is divided into a number of units each comprising 65,536 (64 kb) locations. Each such unit is called a segment. Each segment always begins at a location number which is exactly divisible by 16. The segment register contains the address where a segment begins, whereas the offset register contains the offset of the data/code from where the segment begins. For example, let us consider the first byte in B block of video memory. The segment address of video memory is B0000h (20-bit address), whereas the offset value of the first byte in the upper 32K block of this segment is 8000h. Since 8000h is a 16-bit address it can be easily placed in the offset register, but how do we store the 20-bit address B0000h in a 16-bit segment register? For this out of B0000h only first four hex digits (16 bits) are stored in segment register. We can afford to do this because a segment address is always a multiple of 16 and hence always contains a 0 as the last digit. Therefore, the first byte in the upper 32K chunk of B block of video memory is referred using segment:offset format as B000h:8000h. Thus, the offset register works relative to segment register. Using both these, we can point to a specific location anywhere in the 1 mb address space.

Suppose we want to write a character `A' at location B000:8000. We must convert this address into a form which C understands. This is done by simply writing the segment and offset addresses side by side to obtain a 32 bit address. In our example this address would be 0xB0008000. Now whether C would support this 32 bit address or not depends upon the memory model in use. For example, if we are using a large data model (compact, large, huge) the above address is acceptable. This is because in these models all pointers to data are 32 bits long. As against this, if we are using a small data model (tiny, small, medium) the above address won't work since in these models each pointer is 16 bits long.

What if we are working in small data model and still want to access the first byte of the upper 32K chunk of B block of video memory? In such cases both Microsoft C and Turbo C provide a keyword called far.

Answernormally Pointers are 32 bit length. which are divided as segment and offset.

which are represent as

seg : off 0000:0000 . . . 8000:FFFF. . . . FFFF:FFFF

first 4 hexa digits are segment, last 4 hexa digits are offset

C Program will allocate 64KB (only one segment) memory for data Part (dynamic memory allocation, Local variables).

by using 16 bit we can access that memory that's called near pointer(16 bit pointer).

suppose we need more than 64KB memory to a program / we want to access a particular memory location (in TSR Program)

at the time we neet 32 bit pointer. through 32 bit pointer we can access any segment and offset address.

there are 2 types of 32 bit pointers 1. far pointer. 2. Huge Pointer.

In TSR programming normally we use far Pointer.

The Main Difference between Far and Huge Pointer is

Far pointers are not Normalized.

Huge pointers are Normalized.

AnswerFirst let me state this is based on my current understanding. If someone can update or improove my version I will be grateful:

1.For those in hurry far simply means "its not here find it somewhere else in memory" 2. far, near and huge and not a part of the C standard( am I right?)

-So the answer to this is: "It depends" Its highly compiler specific and platform(processor) specific.

Different processors have different ways to handle memory, and also different amount of memory.

when you say "far" you are just telling the compiler find or put this data somewhere else.But the compiler does the hard work for you: writing the instructions to change the segment properly and accessing the correct memory location for you..and that's because it knows the processor..

I think previous answers are mostly related to Pentium family of processors..and perhaps turbo C or similar compilers.But remember that is only one of them!

Below are the examples which perhaps can have different meanings in different places:

1. far int* near a; 2. far int* a; 3. far int *far a;

So the best way is to try out with your compiler and find out

hope that helped!

AnswerPointers can either be near, far, or huge. Near pointers refer to the current segment, so neither DS nor CS must be modified to dereference the pointer. They are the fastest pointers, but are limited to point to 64 kilobytes of memory (the current segment).

Far pointers contain the new value of DS or CS within them. To use them the register must be changed, the memory dereferenced, and then the register restored. They may reference up to 1 megabyte of memory. Note that pointer arithmetic (addition and subtraction) does not modify the segment portion of the pointer, only its offset. Operations which exceed the bounds of zero or 65535 (0xFFFF) will undergo modulo 64K operation just as any normal 16 bit operation.

For example, the code below will wrap around and overwrite itself: char far* myfarptr = (char far*) 0x50000000L ; unsigned long counter ; for(counter=0; counter<128*1024; counter++) // access 128K memory *(myfarptr+counter) = 7 ; // write all 7s into it

The moment counter becomes (0x10000), the resulting absolute address will roll over to 0x5000:0000.

Huge pointers are essentially far pointers, but are normalized every time they are modified so that they have the highest possible segment for that address. This is very slow but allows the pointer to point to multiple segments, and allows for accurate pointer comparisons, as if the platform were a flat memory model: It forbids the aliasing of memory as described above, so two huge pointers that reference the same memory location are always equal.

This near, far & huge pointers comes only in DOS or other, which have only less memory accessible. In DOS only 1 Mb ( 10,48,580 Bytes) of memory is accessible. Any of these memory location are accessed using CPU registers. Under DOS the CPU registers are only 16 bits long. Therefore, the minimum value present in a CPU register is 0, and maximum is 65,535. If we want to access more than 65,535 ? how to ? We can do this by - using two registers ( Segment & Offset ). Here memory is divided into 64 Kb locations or chunks. C Program will allocate 64KB (only one segment) memory for data Part (dynamic memory allocation, Local variables). by using 16 bit we can access that memory that's called near pointer(16 bit pointer). suppose we need more than 64KB memory to a program / we want to access a particular memory location (in TSR Program) at the time we need 32 bit pointer. through 32 bit pointer we can access any segment and offset address. The Main Difference between Far and Huge Pointer is Far pointers are not Normalized. Ex: TSR Programs use Far Pointers Huge pointers are Normalized. I think by this u can have brief idea about near, far & huge pointers. According to my knowledge far pointers are mainly used to build I/O commands.Such as you can write "printf" function by using far pointer void main() { char far *vdu=0xB8000000; *(vdu+2)='a'; } If you run this program in C,you can see "a" in the DOS screen There are 2 blocks of memory above the 640KB RAM of 64KB each. The first 32KB are used by MA, rest by CGA/EGA/VGA. The "far" pointer is used to access the VDU memory directly. Hence the displaying functions or output functions are not required.

AnswerOn 16-bit operating systems, a huge pointer allows the developer to access a single block of memory that's larger than 64 kilobytes in size.
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What is generic pointer in C?

When a variable is declared as being a pointer to type void it is known as a generic pointer. Since you cannot have a variable of type void, the pointer will not point to any data and therefore cannot be dereferenced. It is still a pointer though, to use it you just have to cast it to another kind of pointer first. Hence the term Generic pointer.

Different types of pointers in c language?

... are usable. void pointer (generic pointer) : a special type of pointer which point to some data of no specific types. void *p; null pointer : a special type of pointer which point nowhere. it is usually used to check if a pointer is pointing to a null or free the pointer during deallocation of memory in dynamic memory allocation; it is define by using the predefine constant NULL int *p=NULL; wild pointer : uninitialized pointer. it hold a garbage value. i.e it is not pointing to any memory location yet. dangling pointer: pointer pointing to a destroyed variable. it usually happen during dynamic memory allocation when the object is destroyed but not free and the pointer is still pointing to the destroy object.

What is near far and huge pointers How many bytes are occupied by them?

Near, far, and huge pointers are different types of pointers used to reconcile the different addressing models of the Intel 8086/8088 class processors, running in a 16-bit operating system such as Windows 3.x, as well as any of the newer incarnations running in real mode or virtual 8086 mode.A near pointer can address something within one 64Kb memory segment, containing only an offset, and it takes two bytes. The segment is implied by context, and is usually the data segment, selected for the addressing model.A far pointer can address anything in the 1Mb memory1, containing both a segment and an offset, and it takes four bytes.A huge pointer is a normalised far pointer, which means its offset part is always between 00H and 0FH.In 32-bit mode a pointer can address anything in 4Gb memory, containing a flat 32-bit offset, and it takes four bytes. (In this mode segments have no significance.) It only works, however, when there is support for it, such as the WIN32 extension of Windows 3.x.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1In the 80286 or higher, running in protected mode, in OS/2, the segment portion of the pointer is actually a descriptor selector, so 1Mb addressibility depends on the operating system environment.far huge near pointer is an oxymoron. far points to memory outside of the normal address space. near points to memory within the normal address space, is the default, and usually is not needed. I've never seen huge before. What is the target architecture?Near, far, and huge pointers are a construct (usually) in the Win16 environment running on an 8086/8088 or later in real mode, such as Visual C/C++ 1.52. In this environment, near pointers are 16 bits, and far and huge pointers are 32 bits.

Why void is used in c language?

void as function return-type means no return value void as function parameter means no parameter void * as pointer type means generic pointer

What is far and near pointer and how are they used?

It is a matter of the memory model you are using. On old or embedded systems, some memory was outside of the range of a normal pointer. If you have 4 megs of ram you need at least a 22bit pointer to see all of it. But let's say you only have a 16 bit pointer. This means you can only access the first 65K of ram. Odd as it may sound, this was a problem on old computers, and is sometimes an issue on embedded devices with limited processing power. The near and far classifications were a solution. Pointers are near by default. In my example above, the 65K of ram would be accessed with a near pointer. To get past that 16 bit limit, you need a far pointer. Thus: memory within the pointer's range is near. Memory outside of the range is far. Near pointer: char near * ptr; Far pointer: char far * ptr;A far pointer uses both the segment and the offset address to point to a location in memory. A near pointer in contrast uses only the offset address and the default segment. The far pointer can point to any location in memory, whereas the near pointer can only point to a nearby local address.Something that was important 20 years ago. Now you can forget it.

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What does it mean by huge pointer is normalize give detail about far pointer huge pointer?

On far pointers the comparison operators(== and !=) check the 32 bit value. While &gt;, =,

What is generic pointer in C?

When a variable is declared as being a pointer to type void it is known as a generic pointer. Since you cannot have a variable of type void, the pointer will not point to any data and therefore cannot be dereferenced. It is still a pointer though, to use it you just have to cast it to another kind of pointer first. Hence the term Generic pointer.

Is Far pointer necessary to create a circular linked list?

It has to be a pointer all right.Regarding 'far' and 'near': forget it, simply use 'Large' data modell (or 'Huge').

Difference between void pointer and null pointer?

A Null pointer has the value 0. void pointer is a generic pointer introduced by ANSI. Before ANSI, char pointers are used as generic pointer. Generic pointer can hold the address of any data type. Pointers point to a memory address, and data can be stored at that address.

Difference between genric pointer and normal pointer?

Generic pointer of type 'void *' is compatible with any (data-)pointer, but you cannot use the following operators on it: + - ++ -- += -= * -> []

Different types of pointers in c language?

... are usable. void pointer (generic pointer) : a special type of pointer which point to some data of no specific types. void *p; null pointer : a special type of pointer which point nowhere. it is usually used to check if a pointer is pointing to a null or free the pointer during deallocation of memory in dynamic memory allocation; it is define by using the predefine constant NULL int *p=NULL; wild pointer : uninitialized pointer. it hold a garbage value. i.e it is not pointing to any memory location yet. dangling pointer: pointer pointing to a destroyed variable. it usually happen during dynamic memory allocation when the object is destroyed but not free and the pointer is still pointing to the destroy object.

What is near far and huge pointers How many bytes are occupied by them?

Near, far, and huge pointers are different types of pointers used to reconcile the different addressing models of the Intel 8086/8088 class processors, running in a 16-bit operating system such as Windows 3.x, as well as any of the newer incarnations running in real mode or virtual 8086 mode.A near pointer can address something within one 64Kb memory segment, containing only an offset, and it takes two bytes. The segment is implied by context, and is usually the data segment, selected for the addressing model.A far pointer can address anything in the 1Mb memory1, containing both a segment and an offset, and it takes four bytes.A huge pointer is a normalised far pointer, which means its offset part is always between 00H and 0FH.In 32-bit mode a pointer can address anything in 4Gb memory, containing a flat 32-bit offset, and it takes four bytes. (In this mode segments have no significance.) It only works, however, when there is support for it, such as the WIN32 extension of Windows 3.x.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1In the 80286 or higher, running in protected mode, in OS/2, the segment portion of the pointer is actually a descriptor selector, so 1Mb addressibility depends on the operating system environment.far huge near pointer is an oxymoron. far points to memory outside of the normal address space. near points to memory within the normal address space, is the default, and usually is not needed. I've never seen huge before. What is the target architecture?Near, far, and huge pointers are a construct (usually) in the Win16 environment running on an 8086/8088 or later in real mode, such as Visual C/C++ 1.52. In this environment, near pointers are 16 bits, and far and huge pointers are 32 bits.

What is far pointer in c language?

its pointer created for high safety that cant be find by anyone.

Can char pointer contain long address in c?

What do you mean by 'long address'?1. If you are asking about 'near' and 'far' pointers, then you should forget them; simply use Huge Memory Model.2. If you mean the address of a 'long int'-type variable, then yes, with type-cast:long l;char *p = (char *)&l;Note: for generic pointers you can use type void *

What are huge and dangling pointers in C language?

A huge pointer was a special type of pointer used in the WIN161 environment that would allow you to monolithically handle objects of size greater than 64KB as if that were one single address space. If you had the special WIN32 add-on installed, you could declare and use huge pointers natively, but normally, you had to do address translation to go from huge to far and from far to huge.A dangling pointer is not something I have heard of. The closest I can interpret this is a misunderstanding of dangling if statements, although it could be a reference to leaking memory through unallocated pointers that go out of scope before they are freed. Please restate the question, with better details.1 Today, with true 32 and 64 bit operating systems abounding, the concept of near, far, and huge pointers is obsolete and archaic. The need to deal with them disappeared with Visual Studio 1.52 and Windows 3.1. (Of which I still have working copies. :-)>)

Why void is used in c language?

void as function return-type means no return value void as function parameter means no parameter void * as pointer type means generic pointer

What is normalized pointer as you say huge is normalized but far is not in c?

Normalised pointers date back to the days when physical memory was addressed by segment and offset. For instance, on a system with 4,294,967,296 unique memory addresses we might divide those addresses into 65,536 segments of 65,536 addresses each. This means we need 16-bits to address each segment and another 16-bits to address the offsets within those segments. If the memory we need to access resides in the current segment only then we don't need to specify the segment at all, we can just use a 16-bit pointer known as a near pointer. This means that all pointer arithmetic applies to the offset address only, such that 0xFFFF + 1 = 0x0000. If we need to access offsets within a particular segment then we need to use a 32-bit pointer to specify both the segment and the offset. For this we can either use a far or a huge pointer. We say that a huge pointer is normalised because it behaves exactly as we'd expect any 32-bit value to behave: 0x0000FFFF + 1 = 0x00010000. However, a far pointer is not normalised because it does not behave in the normal way. Using the same example: 0x0000FFFF + 1 = 0x00000000. In other words, only the offset portion of the address is affected by pointer arithmetic.