

What are possible reasons why this GMO happens?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: What are possible reasons why this GMO happens?
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Why do people still consume GMO's?

Many people try to avoid eating GMO foods, but those who still consume them for a number of reasons that may include:believing that GMO foods are no different than non-GMO foods, and that they are safenot being informed of the issues surrounding GMO foodsnot realizing that at least 70% of the processed foods in grocery stores contain GMOsand other reasons

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GMO's, RUTF's..

Why is GMO food not popular?

Some people are not convinced that the GMO technology is being used responsibly or that GMO foods are safe.Some are concerned about the possible environment effects of horizontal breeding (taking a gene from one species and inserting it into another).Others believe the regulatory agencies in the United States have been unduly influenced by the biotech industry.Some question whether the studies (though there are a couple of thousand of them) actually reflect the safety of eating GMO foods.There are many more reasons for GMO foods not being popular.

What happens if you don't have GM food?

Nothing happens if we don't have GMO foods, though not having GMO foods is not very likely now that they are being used commercially and the modified genes are already released into the environment.

What are some possible benefits of eating genetically engineered foods?

No benefits of eating GMO foods are known.

What kind of vitamins do GMO foods have?

GMO foods asummably have the same vitamins as the equivalent non-GMO foods.

Can GMO seeds be heirloom seeds which you can plant over and over again?

No, GMO seeds cannot be heirloom seeds, and they cannot be saved from year to year to plant the following year. There are a few reasons for this: GMO seeds are transgenic (meaning a gene has been removed from one organism and inserted into another in a lab) and heirloom seeds are not transgenic, GMO seeds are patented and saving them from year to year is a violation of that patent whereas heirloom seeds can be saved for planting the following year, heirloom seeds have been grown for decades, often longer and GMO seeds were introduced fairly recently (1996 was the first commercially planted GMO crop).

How can you tell if your corn is GMO?

If you are a farmer, you know the corn you are gowing is GMO because you buy seeds that are known to be GMO. If you are gowing non-GMO varieties, you do not know if GMO vaieties have cross pollinated with your corn unless you get it tested. If you are a consumer, you do not know if the corn or processed foods containing corn is GMO unless it is labeled as such. In the United States GMO foods are not labeled.

What other information do you need to confirm the GMO status of your sample?

GMO stands for genetically modified organism. To confirm the GMO status of the sample, it must be labeled as GMO by the producers.

What are the opponents of GMO foods worried about?

Some things opponents of GMO foods are concerned about include: the lack of long-term testing of the effects of GMO foods on human health, the process in which GMO foods are approved by the FDA, the process in which genetic modification is done, the possible lack of transparency and honesty of the companies producing the GMOs, long-term environmental harm, harm to biodiversity. anedotal evidence that leads to the concern that GMOs do not deliver on the claims that less chemical pesticides are used over the long-term, possible horizontal gene transfer of the modified genes, and more.

What is known about the food production capabilities of GMO's?

GMO corn and soy are no more productive than non-GMO corn and soy.

Are GMO foods illegal?

In the United States GMO foods are not illegal.