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If you are going to drink Gatorade (or pop) Drink through a straw. If you drink from the bottle the pop goes directly over your 4 front teeth and those are the first to deteriorate and this is why you see many people with front teeth missing first. A straw helps it go directly to your throat over your tongue. Less pop on teeth.

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Q: What are some science experiments involving Gatorade and teeth?
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Does Gatorade give you cavities?

Gatorade will give you lots of cavities if you don't brush your teeth twice a day

What are some disadvantages of Gatorade to one's health?

the disadvantage is that Gatorade rots your teeth

What drink is the worst for your teeth?

Answercoffee Gatorade is also very bad for your teeth. It will dye your teeth the color of the drink and it erodes enamel quickly!

Why did red Gatorade turn my teeth red?

Probably the sugar content - and the face that allcarbonated drinks attack the enamel of your teeth !

Does Gatorade make your stomach hurt?

Not at all, it is your diet that gives you constipation.

Does Gatorade rot your teeth?

Do not under any circumstances give your child Gatorade on a daily basis!!!!! Gatorade has been shown to be more corrosive to teeth than juice or soda. She doesn't eat alot of candy at all and I am very careful with her diet. Given that she does a good job brushing everyday, I was very perplexed with her teeth condition. I didn't even give my young daughter soda or most juices, thinking Gatorade was fine. Today, at 5yo, she had to have an infected molar pulled and believe me, this was not dentist looking to do extra work. The tooth was nasty. Though I pulled her off Gatorade bout a year ago, the damage was done. We'll be going back to the dentist in the next couple of weeks to get caps on some of her other teeth and a comprehensive tooth exam. Please stick to water for your kid like I am now. I am glad that I was able to catch this before she lost any of her baby teeth except one.... Gatorade for adult's teeth can be just as bad....

What is enamel made of?

tooth enamel is made up of 72% calcium and 28% organic matter. It is similar to egg shell, with the organic matter part, so it is good for science fair tooth experiments if you don't want to use real teeth.

What are some clever procedural writing ideas?

Well there is how to make dumplings, how to make a hamburger, anything to do with recipes, how to do oragami, how to draw manga,how to tie your shoelaces or brush your teeth, how to play a particular game that you like and maybe some science experiments. :-) Hope i helped!

How does a sports drink high in caffeine and sugar affect the body?

badly i highly suggest that ppl don't drink like Gatorade and energy drinks like amp monster etc. i suggest vitamin water Gatorade rots ur teeth

What is the definition of dental science?

Dental science, or dentistry, is the study of diseases that relate to the mouth. Dental science focuses on the teeth in particular.

Are eggshells a good substitute for teeth?

I Believe so, but I am not sure how accurate they are in propeties. They are what I am using for my science project. I Believe so, but I am not sure how accurate they are in propeties. They are what I am using for my science project.

What can substitute teeth in a science project?

Chalk is calcium carbonate but teeth is calcium phosphate crystalline. I believe, sea shell is a better substitute for teeth.