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Hello there are several reasons for this but number one is heart problems. But wait you can also have a Asthma attack and have pain in the chest to , and last but not least a anxiety attack will also cause pain in the chest. But do remember that heart pain will also have pain down one arm are the other.

Another possible reason is straining of the chest muscles after lifting something heavy. The reattachment of the muscles can cause great pain on your chest near your heart.

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13y ago
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16y ago

Could be many things! For instance, When I had sharp pain on the right side of my chest, I was told I had Gall Stones, or gall sand. This pain radiated to my back on the right as well. As with any unusual or painful change in the body, you should call or see a doctor immediately and get yourself checked out! An ounce of prevention! Good luck!

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12y ago

It could mean anything! obviously its not normal & Im not no doctor, so i recommend to go and see one! Anything odd that's happening to your heart is very serious. PERSONAL EXPERIENCE i was having sharps pains directly in my heart went to doctor & found my vesels werent opening yeah very important to see a doctor about this stuff guys. But its your choice...

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11y ago

Chest pain can arise from anything in the chest from the skin to the muscles and other connective tissue of the chest wall to the organs such as the lung and its lining, the esophagus, the heart itself and the sack around the heart.

Sharp pains are usually from a problem with the muscles, tendons, ligaments etc. or the lining of the lung. If it is mostly when you move the arm or torso is it probably from the muscles and ligaments while sharp pains from the lung lining (pleurisy) usually cause pain with taking deep breaths.

Cardiac chest pain (from the heart) is classically described as a tightness or pressure. People often object to calling it "pain" and are more willing to endorse describing it as "discomfort". "An elephant sitting on my chest" is a common description. It is often accompanied by nausea, sweating, shortness of breath and a feeling of impending doom. Unfortunately, the same nerves that go to the heart also go to the end of the esophagus and so heartburn can mimic a heart attack perfectly.

Some distinguishing factors betwen heart burn and heart pain is that heartburn is usually while at rest, especially wiht lying down, and often after eating large meals. Walking, belching and drinking liquids often make it better. Cardiac chest pain is usually worse with activity.

Ocassionally, especially in women, sharp pains can be coming from the heart. If the pain is persistent (going on for more than a few days), severe, worse with exertion or accompanied by dizziness, shortness of breath, palpitations (rapid heart rates) or fever you should call your doctor.

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12y ago

There are a number of causes for chest pain including pericarditis, GERD, anxiety, and heart attack. Due to the potentially serious nature of chest pain, it is important that you see your doctor and do not try to self-diagnose.

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11y ago

It can mean whole bunch of things, try drinking lots of water and see your doctor... Better be safe than sorry.

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16y ago

Possibly a heart attack.

You should go to hospital immediately.

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14y ago

possibly ANGINA

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9y ago

There could be a few reasons why a person can have chest pains. You could be having gas issues or a heart attack.

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Joseph York

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4y ago

Heart attacks

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Q: What causes a sharp pain in the chest?
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From Sandra RN {critical care} Whenever you have chest pain ask yourself these: Is the pain sharp, dull, burning or does it feel like pressure. What relieves the pain? Rest, fluids, medications like Ibuprofen or zantac? Does exertion increase the pain? Do you experience other symptoms like shortness of breath, nausea, dizziness, profuse sweating. Where does the pain radiate to your arm, jaw, back or abdomen? ANY pain that is accompanied by shortness of breath is potentially life threatening- **Myocardial Infarction (heart attack) pain is usually associated with substernal chest pressure, shortness of breath, dizziness, profuse sweating, radiation to jaw and left arm. Sharp chest pain is usually associated with pleurisy, pulmonary embolus(blood clot to your lung) or chest wall injuries. Other causes could be GERD, gallstones and so on

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