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1. A cause of a lack of B12 can be mainly from three sources. The more common one is through not consuming enough. B12 is almost exclusively found (in enough amounts) in meat, shellfish, milk, and eggs. These foods tend to be off-limits to vegetarians and vegens, which can cause an insufficent amount of B12 being consumed in their diets. A less-likely reason is due to a parasite. Some parasites and worms live off of B12 and other essential vitamins to survive. An even less-likely reason is through a genetic abnormality where B12 is not able to be broken down and used by the body properly.

2. Nitrous oxide.

3. A B12 depletion and deficiency can also be caused by an auto immune condition affecting the stomach. This causes the destruction of the stomach lowering stomach acid or lowering production of intrinsic factor. Necessary to bond to b12 to be absorbed in the small intestines. Some prescription medicines may inhibit B12 absorption or lessen the amount you have in the body (antacids, laxatives, steroid meds, aspirin, diuretics, Birth Control pills, high doses of Vitamin C). Stomach or intestine surgeries can prevent proper b12 absorption as it may lower stomach acid, or intrinsic factor, or lessen absorption in the small intestines.

You can also develop a folic acid deficiency that can also be caused by certain meds such as (barbiturates, Tegretol, Depakote, Zarontin, Celontin, Primidone, Dilantin, Fosphenytoin, Ibuprofen, Anaprox, Motrin, Naprosyn, Naprelan, Pamprin, Voltaren). B12 and Folic Acid work hand in hand. Thus if you have a b12 depletion or deficiency you may also have a folic acid deficiency. If you supplement b12, it may be a good idea to also supplement with folic acid...Or make sure you b12 supplement contains also folic acid.

Other conditions that have been contributed to b12 deficiency are (Alcoholism, heavy metal levels such as mercury or lead, pregnancy).

People with aid/hiv, multiple sclerosis, Bells Palsy, Parkinson's, ALS, Muscular Distrophy, fibromyalgia, and some leukemias have reported b12 deficiencies.

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13y ago
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13y ago

There are many potential causes of a vitamin B12 deficiency. One of the richest food sources of this important vitamin is red meat and organ meats. Because of this, vegetarians and vegans can become deficiency in vitamin B12.

Other problems can be associated with digestive issues, age, and alcohol or substance abuse.

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14y ago

Vitamin B-12 deficiency can have many causes.

  1. Diet. Vitamin B-12 is only found in meats. With modern convenience foods, it's possible to eat a lot but still not get enough B-12. Also, vegetarians/vegans will have no supply at all (some vegetables like soy have B-12, but not in a form the human body can digest). Increasing meats and dairy products in your diet (especially clams, mollusks and liver) will increase dietary B-12. Fortified breakfast cereals are also a good source of B-12.
  2. Digestive problems. Getting B-12 out of your stomach and into your bloodstream is remarkably complicated. Any medical issues affecting the gastrointestinal tract can result in B-12 deficiency, including simple old age. Crohn's disease, IBS and others do too.
  3. Medications. Quite a few medications can interfere with B-12 absorption, as well as smoking and drinking. The most common culprits are antacids and migraine medication.
  4. Gastric bypass or other gastrointestional surgery like stomach cancer removal. Many gastric surgical procedures will remove tissue required for proper vitamin B-12 uptake.
  5. Other medical issues. Many other medical issues can result in B-12 deficiency indirectly. Examples are chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, Diabetes, and Arthritis.
If you have any problems with B-12 deficiency, you're best off getting supplementation. And if you have any digestive issues, surgery or medications that interfere with digestion you're best off with either B-12 shots (painful, inconvenient, expensive) or vitamin B-12 transdermal patches (easy, cheap, pain free - you just stick one on your neck for twenty four hours and that's it). If you supplement, be sure to avoid cobalamin or cyanocobalamin in favour of methylcobalamin. Methylcobalamin is the form your border needs B-12 to be in; otherwise it has to work to turn cobalamin into methylcobalamin.
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15y ago

There is no known case of hypervitaminosis (vitamin poisoning or vitamin overdose) of vitamin B12. Excessive quantities of other vitamins such fat-soluble vitamins A, D and E (tocopherol); and water-soluble vitamins B6 (pyridoxine) and vitamin B3 (niacin) are known to be toxic.

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7y ago

A Cobalamin (B12) deficiency can occur when the body does not receive an adequate intake of vitamin B12. Main sources are meat, poultry, fish, shellfish and eggs. Vegan sources include yeast, gut bacteria and fermented soy product. That being said, Vegans and those with pernicious anemia are the largest at risk for deficiency. Pernicious anemia occurs when intrinsic factor is not produced causing B12 to not be absorbed.

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9y ago

Having an elevated B12 level is a very rare condition and is only caused by 2 things. It can be caused by liver disease or myeloproliferative disorders.

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15y ago

What would cause high levels of vitamin b12

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What causes high levels of vitamin B12

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12y ago

overdosing vitamins

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The Vitamin B12 deficiency causes cracks in tongue. The blood test B12 and acid folic points out this deficiency if the recorded values lie under the middle of reported normal interval. More precise is the test that measures the homocisteine level. If this one is high then a vitamin B12 deficiency is present.

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