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If you are female, it could be an ovarian cyst. It could also be due to internal scar tissue, which forms when cysts develop, then rupture. But you need to see a doctor for an exam, to rule out anything serious.

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Q: What could be causing Pain in low left side of abdomen and cause cramping?
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What could be causing Pain in low left side of abdoman which is down low and causing cramping?

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Cramping is a sign of overuse. The muscles are being exhausted. Exhaustion is not going to cause long-term damage but watch for wrist pain or other joint pain. That could be causing damage.

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The pinching in your abdomen could be the feeling of implantation cramping. You could be pregnant. When implantation happens you will also see a brownish, sometimes pink, discharge. It usually isn't very much, but still it's there. You should make an appointment with your doctor to confirm or deny.

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I am not sure exactly what nerves innervate the back, but I would assume that it could definitely refer to the abdomen.

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A kidney stone is possible, get a ultra sonogram done.

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kidney stone, pulled adhesions, infection

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A rigid abdomen could be a sign of peritonitis or Wilms tumor.