

What does un rosbif mean?

Updated: 12/19/2022
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15y ago

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Rosbif, is a French term derived from roast beef and is actually used to describe the cooking method used, which was a popular among the British, and has since been used as a slightly derogatory term for the British, much like the British refer to the French as frogs, and Americans refer to the British as limeys. Rosbif is also used to describe the cooking of Roast Lamb and other meats eg "Rosbif de Mouton".

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What does rosbifs mean?

Rosbif, is a French term derived from roast beef and is actually used to describe the cooking method used, which was a popular among the British, and has since been used as a slightly derogatory term for the British, much like the British refer to the French as frogs, and Americans refer to the British as limeys. Rosbif is also used to describe the cooking of Roast Lamb and other meats eg "Rosbif de Mouton".

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