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Plants do respire at night. It does not require light to take place. This is a process of releasing energy, kind of the opposite to photosynthesising. Photosynthesis is the preparation of the dinner, respiration is the dining process and the belching and flatulence that follows. When a plant respires, it releases carbon dioxide ( at a lower rate than it takes in ), oxygen, heat, water. It occurs on a cellular level with all living things. Transpiration, on the other hand is the process by which plants release water through their leaves, stems, flowers and roots. It occurs during the process of photosynthesis and gets a break at nightime as plants need light to photosynthesize.

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Q: What happens in plants at night they respire or they transpire?
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Do plants respire all day and all night or only at night?

They respire through out the day.

When do plants respire?

Plants respire all the time, but it can be seen better at night. This is because photosynthesis has the opposite chemical formula, and since there is light, more oxygen returned out, then carbon dioxide is taken in.

What happens at night during photosynethesis?

At night, since there is no sunlight present to drive photosynthesis, no oxygen is produced. But, instead, plants respire and emit carbon dioxide gas. 6H2O + sunlight + 6CO2 ----> C6H12O6 + 6O2 At night, this reaction is reversed (respiration).

How are some plants the same?

All plants grow from seedsAll green plants have special organelles in their cells called chloroplasts that produce energyAll plants respire (inhale oxygen) at night, and transpire (inhale carbon dioxide) in the day.Almost all plants make all their own food, with the exception of carnivorous plants which only make part of their total energy consumption.All plant cells have a cell wall composed of cellulose, a long-chain polysaccharide sugar.There are other features but these are my top 5.

Do plants only respire at night?

they breath all the time like us, beacuse if they did not breath through the night they would die.................................................................................. this is wat i am saying i dont no if it is true

How plants respire?

Plants have two types of respiration arobic and anerobic Plants do not breathe like humans, although they respire. This is when they absorb oxygen from the air around them and in return, release Carbon Dioxide. This is different from photosynthesis where they release oxygen and take in carbon dioxide. They photosynthesise to produce glucose, and then respire to convert that glucose into energy. During the day, plants give out more oxygen, and during the night, plants give out more carbon dioxide.

Once carbon has been converted to food by plants what three things can happen to it?

1. Plants respire and carbon dioxide is. released at night. 2. Plants are eaten by animals and animals respire and carbon dioxide is released. 3. Plants and animals die and are decomposed. Decomposers release carbon dioxide from decaying matter into the air.

Why it is not healthy to sleep in closed room with many potted plants?

Becouse during the night plants respire the same as you

Do plants respire in the day?

No, it is a common misconception that they do. Infact people think they respire as well as photosynthsise, except that more photosynthesis takes place. According to new research this is completely untrue, and the answer is no

When do plants do photosynthesis and respiration?

In general, green plants photosynthesize during the day or when light is on the leaves, and respire at night, or in the dark. As its name implies, photosynthesis is a light dependent process.

What gas is released when plants respire throughout the day?

Oxygen, and it's known as "Photosynthesis" process But during the night, plants release carbon dioxide like a normal human

Do plants need light to respire?

No, in fact most respiration plants perform occurs at night. There is a form with sunlight, called photorespiration, but its performed rarely as photosynthesis is more common.