

What is biomolecules lipids?

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11y ago

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I dont know. why are you asking? Its a free Country, you can do what you want :) - Felines Malaga

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Q: What is biomolecules lipids?
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What are 4 biomolecules?

nucleic acids, proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates

Fats are a type of what kind of biomolecules?

Fats are classified as lipids.

What are the four types of biomolecules?

Proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids.

What is the difference between lipids and other biomolecules?

The difference between lipids and other biomolecules is in their chemical properties. Lipids include different types of molecules like fats, steroids, oils, and waxes. but lipids do not form big polymers like other biomolecules do. Examples of other biomolecules are protein and nucleic acid.

Which biomolecules groups were found in McMush?

That's easy. Lipids, glucose, and starch

What are four main biomolecules of life?

Proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids.

In what two biomolecules can animals store energy?

store an equivalent amount of energy.

What do the four biomolecules have in common?

Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and Nucleic acids have a major similar element, which contain a Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxyge.

What is the element symbol for lipids?

Lipids are not an element and therefore do not have an element symbol. They are important biomolecules that make up fats, oils, and the cell membrane.

4 types of biomolecules?

There are four classes of biological molecules. These include lipids, carbohydrates, proteins, as well as nucleic acids. All living things are made up of one of these types of living molecules.

What kind of biomolecules can store more energy than others?

lipids can store more energy