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I just had all four of my wisdom teeth out yesterday morning. The dentist told me to wait about 4 hours after the surgery to eat anything. First of all, you're going to be bloody, tired, drugged, and in pain so you're not going to WANT to eat anything until later. You won't even be thinking about it.

Here is my tried and tested recipe for a reletively comfortable post- extraction experience: You will need,

1. A loving someone to take care of you (like my awesome husband for me.)

2. Gauze, take home with you lots of gauze to place in your mouth to help stop the bleeding. You'll still need it possibly the next day.

3. Pain killer prescription. I choose Vicadin for the first day, then move to ibuprofen later if you get nauseated.

3. To absorb your drool collection, place a folded paper towel on your tongue sticking out like a sucker. It absorbs all your blood and drool so it's not messy and you don't choke. Don't spit. Let the drool just drop out if it needs to.

4. Lay on your back propped up on pillows. This allows the circulation of blood not to flow specifically to one side and swell you up more on one side than the other.

5. Find the herbal remedy Arnica at your local pharmacy. It comes in the form of little beads. Place 4 beads under your tongue to disolve, 3 times a day. Start this two to three days before surgery and follow through three to four days after your procedure. Arnica is a natural remedy for swelling and bruising. It works!

6. FOOD: Besides ice cream and soup, you're gonna LOVE cinnamon applesauce, pudding, soaked Oreo cookies in milk, mashed sweet potatoes with lots of butter and a little salt, Naked Juice Protein drink for added nutrients, soft fruit, yogurt, instant maple oatmeal... yum! Get creative!! Anything soft and mushy, there's lots of food out there!

7. Ask the dentist for a syringe tube. A couple of days after surgery you can use this to squirt salt water in the back of your mouth to help release trapped food.

Good luck!

PS. - I wasn't asleep for my operation. I was kinda in and out consciously but definitely awake for the last 2 teeth. This wasn't a bad way to do it and it was actually amusing. You can't feel anything and I just hummed a lot. It's like being drunk. Really drunk and numb.

AnswerYes you can eat, preferably soft foods that are not too warm. After a few days you can start eating normally.

Everyone is different when it comes to wisdom teeth being pulled out, for example all four of mine came out yesterday and I have no swelling at all!!! I have minor pain which ibuprofen helps with,main prolem the bleeding I bleed very badly making it so I couldn't eat at all what I did is got the boost shakes and drank one when my beeding calmed down for a bit so my blood sugar wouldn't go too low and I had some nutrients in my body I would highly suggest that. Now that my bleeding isn't so bad I've gone to foods that aren't to difficult for example microwaved (so it's soft) chicken nuggets now I am chewing with front teeth and little with front molars but be careful with food getting caught it will happen. DON'T stick your fingers in your mouth to get it out your hands are dirty and could cause an infection since they are open sores.Rinse after you eat with warm salt water don't swish the water just let it move around in your mouth last thing you need is to start bleeding again and your suppose to do that 3-5 times a day, and if your wondering about the procedure I was not knocked out just numbed my dentist was amazing walked me through the whole thing and funny thing is it took less time to take the teeth out than it did to get me completely numb, you will not be able to talk and yes you won't be feeling your face I would suggest having a friend drive you home to be on the safe side your mouth will be dry I used a ice cube to just keep my lips and front gums moist but BE careful because you can't feel anything don't want to keep ice on for to long just run it along for a moment here and there and before you go to bed make sure you put a towel down on your pillow or you will be buying new pillow cases

AnswerDay of Surgery: Pudding, applesauce or any food that is smooth. You don't want anything with pieces of food.

1-3 Days After: Soups, Eggs (scrambled), mashed potatoes and similar textured foods.

4-7 Days After: This depends on how you're feeling you can try solid foods if you think you're healed enough. It's really a judgment call you know your body better then anyone else. I suggest if you needed stitches to not try solid foods until they have came out.

What NOT to eatFoods that have a high volume of particles or that get stuck in your teeth easily. This would include pulped fruit juices, rice, oatmeal (unless you like it really lumpy), corn, lettuce, carbonated drinks there is more but you get the idea. When in doubt don't eat it!

I would rinse with salt water (1/2 tsp per 8oz of water) after every meal to make sure you have any food particles out of your mouth. Rinse gently NOT vigorously.

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16y ago

I just had 4 wisdom teeth extracted last week. And I recommend soft foods like: noodles, soups, scrambled eggs, porridge, cottage cheese, etc. for the first 3-4 days after getting the extractions. After that it just depends on how fast you recover and how your mouth is feeling.

***DO NOT eat things like rice and potato chips as they can get stuck in the wound and cause an infection.*** After 48 hours you can start eating normally. If there is swelling, eating soft foods is a better idea. Also, if food gets stuck in the holes, rince with water and salt, or use a plastic syringe to clean the holes.

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14y ago

As someone who has recently had all 4 wisdom teeth removed, trust me, you'll really know what you can and cannot eat. Based on your level of comfort, you may be able to handle some things better than others. The things that are definitely forbidden are extremely sweet, sour, hot, or cold foods or drinks. Try some soft foods or drinks. Jello, mashed potatoes, ramen noodles, anything that requires no chewing. Over time, you'll heal and be able eat more things until your mouth is healed again. Hope that helps! (Oh, on a side note, AVOID USING DRINKING STRAWS) using these creates an air flow in your mouth that could create a "dry socket" or exposed bone and nerve endings...and hurts a lot. Your dentist or doctor will have any other info you'll need hopefully.

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14y ago

The most important thing to avoid after an extraction (other than infection, for which your doctor may prescribe antibiotics) is a dry socket. You want a clot to form in the socket (the space where the tooth used to be) - so anything that could dislodge that clot could result in the bone drying out, which is VERY painful (and usually occurs about 3 days after the extraction). Things like smoking, spitting, and sucking on a straw create suction in your mouth which may pull out the clot. You should also avoid any sharp foods - tortilla chips, crusty bread, etc. that could cause irritation to the extraction site. Hot foods should also be avoided because they may increase bleeding. A good post-extraction diet includes soft, cool foods like yogurt, jello, pudding, applesauce, etc.

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11y ago

It is definitely okay as long as you're not taking in hot coffee, tea or Hot Chocolate as this might cause your gums to swell a little bit more. When I had my wisdom tooth pulled, my dentist advised me to get rid of hot foods and drinks. It would be much better if you'll have ice cream afterwards to ease the swelling of the gums.

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15y ago

once you start feeling better. Although a couple days to let your gums heal is good (this is for solid food, right?)

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12y ago

yes but only really soft foods

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Q: When is it okay to eat after you get your wisdom teeth pulled?
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im pretty sure that you can, just dont eat solid foods. i had one of mine extracted and the dentist told me not to eat solid foods for 2 days. it helps your gum heal faster or something.

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I had mine pulled and I found that talking did not cause any harm. It is more of an issue as to what you eat. If you eat the wrong things and or if you get dry socket you will not be happy.

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Your wisdom teeth will most likely make your other teeth crooked if they are impacted and growing sideways in your mouth..they also make it harder to clean the teeth that they are impacted into (your molars) Get them pulled out before this becomes a bigger problem An impacted wisdom tooth is very painful and often only continues with brief periods of relief from the pain by a couple months. You do not want to end up in the emergency room over this which will charge you a pretty penny and be starving at the same time because its impossble to eat your in so much pain. If your wisdom teeth are pulled what will happen is that the front teeth will be able to space out in the front by filling up the space that was once the crowded wisdom teeth in the back. This should always be done by a professional or at the very least a dental school because clinics that just pull teeth can often make mistakes like breaking teeth which lead to infections.

What can you eat after teeth being pulled?

you have to wait at least 1 hour