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Q: What is the new rule related to constructing new temples from the Supreme Court of India?
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Related questions

What is most closely related to the judicial branch of government?

The Supreme Court is most closely related to the judicial branch of government.

How was the supreme court related to federalism?

It is the highest Federal court in the land.

Is there a Supreme Court case evryday?

The Supreme Court of the United States does not hear a court case every day. Each year, the court will hear around 70 to 80 different cases. The justices other time is spent considering and constructing decisions and opinions.

How many justices on the Supreme Court.?

This depends on which supreme court. Reask your question specifying the state/country, or see related questions. US Supreme Court: There are 9 Justices on the US Supreme Court.

Is there a Kentucky Supreme Court?

Yes, every state has a supreme court. The Supreme Court of Kentucky seats seven Justices who are elected to eight-year terms. For more information on the Supreme Court of Kentucky, see Related Links, below.

What is the supreme court case brown vs board of education related to?

It is related to segregatiom

What is the written opinion of the supreme court called?

The written explanation for the US Supreme Court's decision is called an opinion.See Related Questions for an expanded explanation.

What cases did the US Supreme Court hear in 2006?

You can read all opinions from the 2006 Term on the Supreme Court website, via the Related Link, below.

Where can you get information on the US Supreme Court?

The Supreme Court of the United States maintains it own website. If you can't find the answer here, try Related Links, below.

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the 1978 supreme court case that related to the impropriety of the warrantless collection of physical evidence at a homicide scene is ?

Are ancient building ways still used today?

Yes of course! One of the prevalent examples of this is America's supreme court building. If you look at a picture of it you will notice columns and a frieze at the top. (A frieze is the band running along the top of the building) This type of architecture was used by the ancient Greeks in constructing temples to their various gods. Greek architecture comes in three prevalent styles, the Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian styles. The supreme court building is a example of Corinthian architecture.

Who has final say in explaining the Constitution?

The Supreme Court.