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ASD. Autism spectrum dissorder

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Q: What is the scientific name for autism?
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Do computers cause autism?

Autism in a neurological disorder. Scientific research seems to indicate a strong hereditary factor in autism. No research has concluded that computers contribute to or cause autism.

What is severe autism?

Rain Man from the same name movie has a severe autism.

Name of an adult with autism who has created important agriculture technology while coping with autism?

Temple Grandin

What is the first name given for autism?

Leo Kanner was the first to coin the term "Early Infantile Autism" in the 40s.

Will autism be cured in the future?

Autism research is ongoing, and there are various interventions and therapies aimed at improving the quality of life for individuals with autism and their families. These may include behavioral therapies, educational interventions, and support services. It's important to note that the concept of "curing" autism is complex and controversial. Many in the autism community advocate for acceptance and understanding of neurodiversity, emphasizing support and accommodations rather than seeking a cure. Medical and scientific advancements continue, and researchers are exploring various avenues for better understanding and addressing autism. While there may be progress in improving the lives of individuals with autism, predicting a specific timeline for the development of a cure is challenging. For the most current information on this topic, I recommend checking recent scientific literature, news from reputable sources, and updates from organizations dedicated to autism research and advocacy.

What is the scientific name for chrysanthemums?

The scientific name is Dendranthema grandiflorum.

What are the science facts about autism and vaccines?

Scientific fact: there is no connection between vaccination and autism.Vaccines do not have the ability to time-travel to change a persons genes or development in the womb, thus they cannot cause autism. An Autistic person is born autistic.

Who is the autism expert with the first name of Temple?

Temple Grandin is a person known for having autism. She has written several books on the subject and given speeches about it.

What is a good Christian name for a walk for autism team?

Walk for Autism supports Autism Speaks, which is widely considered to be a hate group due to the harm they cause to Autistic people. A good Christian would not support this organization.

What was the name of the Australian film in the 1970's about a child with autism?


What is scientific name of euphorbia?

That is the scientific name

What is the scientific name for phobias?

That IS the scientific name.