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the maximum velocity of a rocket is approximated by:

Delta_V = go*ISP*ln(Mi/Mf)

where Delta_V = the change in velocity

go = 32.2 ft/22

ISP = the specific impulse

Mi = initial mass

Mf = final mass

mp = propellant mass

mo = stage inert mass

mf = stage total mass

This equation has to be solved for each stage considering the masses of all of the fallowing stages and payloads

Stage 1

mo (lb) 300000

mp (lb) 4492000

mf (lb) 4792000

Mi (lb) 6200600

Mf (lb) 1708600

ISP 263

delta V 10915.79

Stage 2

mo (lb) 95000

mp (lb) 942000

mf (lb) 1037000

Mi (lb) 1408600

Mf (lb) 466600

ISP 421

delta V 14977.96

Stage 3 mo (lb) 34000

mp (lb) 228000

mf (lb) 262000

Mi (lb) 371600

Mf (lb)143600

ISP 421

delta V 12889.05

payload mass (lb) 109600

Max Speed ft/s 38782.80

Max Speed Mph 26442.82

In short, ignoring aerodynamic friction and assuming a constant gravitation acceleration the maximum achievable velocity is about ~26500 mph

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