

What was the longest period of dry days?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: What was the longest period of dry days?
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There are no planets in our solar system with a rotational period of 318 days. The longest is Venus, with a rotational period of 243 days.

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the answer is "haliwoo beach" the answer is "haliwoo beach"

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The shortest known gestation period is the Virginian opossum, which is 12 days. The longest period belongs to the Indian elephant, which has a gestation period of 22 months.

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contact a docter, this is not normal, the longest you should have it for is around 7 days

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Two marsupials share the shortest gestation period. The Virginian opossum and the yapok (an unusual, rare water opossum) have a gestation period period of 12-13 days. Several sources cite the Eastern quoll of Australia as also having a gestation period of 12-13 days, but this is incorrect. The Eastern quoll's gestation period is 21 days. The longest known gestation period of any animal is that of the African elephant. Its gestation period averages 660 days but can extend to 760 days.

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Hawaii holds the record for the longest period of rain in the United States, with an event lasting 331 days in Waipā Garden between 1930-1931.

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The cow has the longest gestation period of the two species: A dog is pregnant for around 60 days, whereas a cow is pregnant for around 285 days.

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The gestation for mice is approximately 19-21 days.

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