

What would make well water acidic?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: What would make well water acidic?
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Is a lemon an acid or base or neutral?

well both because fizzy water is neutral and lemon is acidic but i would say more acidic

Does adding water effect the pH of an acidic solution?

yes it adds alkaline- well it depends what pH water you get, if its more acidic it'll make the pH change but so will alkaline.

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well it depends a orange or other citric jelly would be acidic

Is sugar and water solution an acidic solution?

NO its definitely not. Water is made up of natural substances, its pure. Sugar is made up of glucose which isn't acidic, so together they aren't acidic as well.

What is the difference between acidic solutions and pure water?

Pure water is neutral, which means it isn't acid nor is it alkaline. Acidic solutions are, well, acid.

Is water both acidic and basic?

Pure water is neutral, that is, neither acidic nor basic. HOWEVER, it can act as acid as well as base on treating with base and acid respectively. this is said to be aMphoteric chracter of water.

What major process would be responsible for the formation of a cave in a limestone wall?

It depends on the location, if the limestone wall is on the coast, ocean waves would cause it, if it's inland in Mexico or Florida for example.....slightly acidic rain water trickling down through the layers would dissolve the limestone creating caverns and stalactites and stalagmites. What causes the acidic water? Namely plants and decomposing matter that dissolve in the water from up above. Volcanic activity and pollution can cause acidic rain as well.

What is the pH level of dove shampoo?

Shampoo is soap which would make it basic. Dove is formulated to be as pH neutral as possible. The pH is roughly 7.5. This is why is burns your eyes which is slightly basic too.The best thing to get shampoo out of your eyes is to neutralize it with normal water (slightly acidic) with a little bit of vinegar which is acidic as well. This should help!

Is rainwater betTer then well water?

That depends where you live. Acidic rainwater is not always better than groundwater.

What acid found in water?

Water itself is an acid (as well as a base). However, unless you put another acid in that is the only one present. Pure water is neutral in PH, the scale in which water is determined to be either acidic or alkaline. The dissolved minerals in it, are what determine whether it is acidic or alkaline.

Can a plant grow by being watered with cool-aid?

Kool-aid is mildly acidic, and some plants do not do well in acidic soil. In any event, while it is possible to grow at least some plants with Kool-aid instead of water, the product is designed for people, not for plants, so I would advise that you use water to grow plants.

What happens when you put steel into water?

Well when you put steel in water, the water will make the steel more softened, and then the rust starts forming cause the water dissolves the steel atoms then you have a red rusted steel metals.