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Q: Who develpoed the chromosome theory of inherietence?
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What is the chromosome thery of inherabce?

The theory is that they are linear sequences of genes.

This theory of inheritance states that genes are located on chromosomes which undergo segregation and independent assortment?

chromosome theory

What role do DNA and chromosomes play in heredity?

according to the chromosome theory of inheritance,genes are carried from parents to their offspring on chromosomes.

The theory proposed in the early twentieth century which suggested that chromosomes carry genes is call what?

The Chromosome Theory Of Inheritance

What theory proposed in the early twentieth century which suggested that chromosomes carry genes called?

the chromosome theory of inheritance

What is the reason that linked genes are inherited together?

They are located close together on the same chromosome.

Why did the XYY chromosome theory fall out of favor as an explanation for criminal behavior?

Research does not support it.

Who determines the sex of a child?

The generally accepted theory is that males determine the sex because males can donate both an X chromosome or Y chromosome, while females can only donate an X chromosome to their offspring :D Hope this Helped

The theory underlying modern democracies was develpoed to challenge what idea?

Those of royal birth have absolute authority to rule.

What does it mean when you have too much of 5 chromosome and not enough of 7?

Its A simple matter of einsteins theory which i am sure you all will know you just take 2 from his theory

What is The chromosome theory of inheritance controlled by?

it is controlled by the number of eggs found within ones fridge or boxforfoodandstuff.

What is the genetic theory of aging?

Human cells maintain their own seed of destruction at the chromosome level.