

Why do you catch flu more than once?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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Because there are many strains of flu virus, so unless you have immunity to them all you will catch flu again.

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Why do people get the flu more than once?

its not completily gone

Why can you get the flu lots of tomes?

Because the virus will mutate. When you get the flu more than once each time it is a different virus.

Is it possible to get H1N1 more than once?

yes and no because if you had the swine flu once and you get vaccinated you propelywont get it again.

At what ages is Swine Flu serious what age does it kill what age is the risk high what age does the body resist it?

If you catch swine flu once, if you catch it again then it won't be as serious.

If contracted Swine Flu do you develop immunities from further contraction?

Yes. Once you have caught swine flu you cannot catch it again.

Can you get the flu more than once in 2 weeks?

yes, because the gestation period of the flu virus is usually between 10-14 days.

Can a catch catch the flu from a human?

No a catch isn't an animal or human. Humans can catch the flu and polio. A lot of kids die from polio and the flu.

Has anyone ever encounted genetic mutation?

Yes. You, if you've ever had the flu more than once.

Many smokers catch the flu and what easier than nonsmokers?


Can you catch the flu through seamen?

It is not possible for you to catch the flu through semen.

What diseases are the wost to get?

Aids, swine flu, scarlet fever, cancer, and personally strep throat (it hurts and you can get it more than once).

Can you catch a headache from kissing someone?

I dont think you can catch a headache. You can catch flu or a cold which are symptoms of flu or a cold, but you cant just catch a headache.