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Cigarette smoke contains over 4000 chemicals including well characterized toxicants and carcinogens (EPA, 1992). These chemicals stimulated affect on developing tissue and organisms (Melkonian, 2003). Many studies showed that smoking is an important risk factor for cancer, especially lung cancer and other diseases (Tominaga, 1988). Cigarette smoking has caused of about 85% of the deaths due to lung cancer, and more than 40% of smokers have been dead in terms of smoking related-diseases (AIM, 1986). In the U.S there has been a steeper rise of the people who got the lung cancer from smoking. Since 1950 percentage of all cigarettes filter cigarettes sold increased from 0.56 to 92% in 1980 and to 97% in 1990 (Blizzard, 2002). For lung cancer it was observed that non-filter smoker had more risk than filter smoker. The incidence of lung cancer of non-filter smoker was more than 50% higher than that of filter cigarette smokers (Rimington, 1981). So some reduction in lung cancer rates might be expected, because risk of lung cancer was reduced for smokers who switched to filter cigarettes. But recently many studies have not produced consistent results, and many people with the highest-age adjusted rates of cancer smoke filtered cigarettes (Blizzard, 2002).

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Q: Why is cigarette smoke bad for you?
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Is cigarette smoke bad for you?

Smoking is bad for you. it increases the risk of several nasty kinds of cancers.

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Currently, it is. The Jamaican government, however, are thinking about making it illegal to smoke in public.

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Cigaretts are bad for you, do not start smoking them.

Does exposure to secondhand smokes carries the same long-term health risks as smoking?

Short answer: yes. Long answer, inhaling cigarette smoke is bad, inhaling diluted cigarette smoke is less bad -- but given ten years, not good.

What is bad for the breathing system?

carbon monoxide, cigarette smoke, marajuahna.... there are a lot of things that are bad for the breathing system.

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The Green Smoke cigarette is better than real cigarette, it has no tar in it but does have nicotine.

Do cigarettes cause lung infections?

Cigarettes can cause more than lung infections. They can cause cancer, and even death. Cigarette smoke is just as bad as smoke from a fire, and with cigarettes, you are inhaling that smoke. The smoke from the cigarette can also cause cells to die, which is not good at all.